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Everything posted by Colin318

  1. cheers staff that clears it up a bit. col
  2. Hi, Just started my claim for charges, i have sent 2 sars requests as the first semed to go missing, Royal Snail dont seem to be very good these day with recorded letters.. any how, the second one must have got through as i have just had a letter back from them stating; " Further to your recent request for information on your accounts, as HBOS has decided to not charge a fee for requests of this type, a refund for the payment you have sent is enclosed" it then goes on to say; " We will aim to provide you with the information as quickly as possible. blah blah blah currently experiencing a high number of similar requests blah blah blah you will recieve a response no later than 40 days from when we recieved your request." just wondering if anyone else has had thier SARs fee returned ??? Col.
  3. Hello, so this is as far as i have got, 1.Sars letter sent on 10th Apr 2007 2.List of charges and such recieved from Lloyds on 15th May 2007 3.1st letter to reclaim charges sent 16th May 2007 4.Letter from lloyds saying get lost ya not having ya money on 24 May 2007 5. LBA sent same day 24 May 2007 lets see what happens next eh? Good luck to everyone else. PS, Did i have to wait 14 days from the initial letter to reclaim or am i ok the send the LBA as soon as i recieve a letter refusing to pay out ??
  4. Hi Gallen, I have also recieved exactly the same letter even down to the date they say they will close the file by, i would think this letter is the " get lost ya not having ya money back" response from lloyds. I would think the correct response to this letter would be the LBA but im new to this so i will keep track of any advise offered by other members. Good luck. Col.
  5. Many thanks BL Off now to have a look about, and will do as you advise ref posting a personnel thread. Thanks
  6. Hi im new to all this posting malarky, but i must say the site so far is fantastic, i thought it was just me getting hammered by what i must describe as extortionate charges, £39.00 for returned D/D that was short by £0.49p just being one example, ( Halifax that one ). Anyway my intention is to get back what is mine from both Lloyds & Halifax, but im just starting out so any help or advice from people who have had dealings with these modern day Dick Turpins please feel free to offer any advise you can. I will in return keep you all posted as to my progress. Ta..
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