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Everything posted by pbecke

  1. There was a good article in the Mail the other day, normally a friend of the large corporations, pointing out that the insurance industry needed to restore the public's confidence in them, after so many years of crooked twisting of their customers. The ones they knew couldn't afford lawyers, of course. I only insure the car because I have to morally and legally, but nothing else.
  2. Surely, not. I'm with EDF and will soon be leaving them, as they had the gall to send me a letter threatening legal action for non-payment, when I tried several times a week over the past fortnight, online and by phone. I won't give you the whole story as it very tedious to repeat, depicting, as it does, farcical behaviour on their part. I have a very strong suspicion it is beause they want to punish me for usually not paying the full amount in one go. Anyway, I emailed a very snotty complaint to them and, predictably, received no reply. As soon as I manage to pay them - perhaps I'll have to use a Pay Point - I'll be switchin to an outfit called Atlantic. The arrogance of these large corporations disgusts me beyond belief. I have a very long memory for them. Most have a bad record publicised in the distant past by the newspapers. But they never change their spots, though they like to change their name. I will never use British Telecom or any company that requires a line of theirs, British Gas, Scottish Gas (same outfit), Eon or from now on, EDF. Whe I tried to pay them by phone, they were very busy and I could wait. No mention of how many in the queue or an estimate of how long I'd have to wait. My time could be of no importance or value to me, and it certainly wasn't to them. But that's just one example of their shameless arrogance. There are a few others. It's as if they can't think up enough ways to waste youu time and make a fool of you.
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