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  1. I don't think so, not sure why, nothing on my file, just shows missed payments at first, then small payments each month, then a default about 2 years after that from NCO.
  2. Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am currently in a debt management plan repaying around 10 creditors which has been running for over 3 years. I've been on a mission lately to try to clean up my credit file as best I can, and surprisingly I've managed to have about 3 or 4 defaults removed so far for various reasons, some due to complaining that the loans should not have been made to me as they were un affordable and the creditor didn't make appropriate affordability checks, some just by being cheeky, and asking them to if I paid the debt off in full (e.g HSBC £62 overdraft debt) I noticed that one of my debts for very catalogue which I stopped paying early 2012 and have been paying via my DMP since registered a default in 2014 by NCO Europe. I contacted them and they said it's because the payment from my DMP changed from £9.82 to £6.76, thus breaching my agreement and causing the default. I was surprised about this as a) I have never seen or agreed to any agreement with NCO Europe, there is certainly no credit agreement and b) I revived no notification of a default. I have escalated my claim with NCO, and will escalate further with the FOS if needed, but can somebody please confirm that this default as described is not legal, and I am right to peruse it's removal? I mean, surely I must have defaulted on a legally binding credit agreement for a default to be issued? There is no credit agreement between me or NCO Europe detailing £9.82 a month, this is simply what my DMP company (step change ) calculated I should pay them based on my income / expenditure, this was reduced to the lower amount on a review of my income. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi Could anyone advise me on my problems with student loans company please? I took out 3 loans with them while at Uni, 1997, 98, 99. I thought I defered them in 2001 while not working, and when I moved , I lost contact with the student loans company, but I thought as I was earning much lower than the amount required to start paying them back, I didnt bother contacting them. But, my loans were not defered, and I recently recieved a letter from NCO Europe demanding payment, and saying I had missed every payment simce 2001. I started paying £50 a month, and have done so for about 18 months, but ive realised I simply cannot afford it, my outgoings are £400 more than my income per month, and thats just basic living, (supporting wife and 2 kids). So I have written to them, asking to pay only £10 a month, which they have point blank refused, I have been told that the student laons CO will take me to court for it instead. Am I right in thinking this would probably only result in the court agreeing I can only afford to make a token payment, and also freeze the interest? I should be able to defer the payments, but I have been told that this is not possible because there is a large outstanding balance of missed payments, but I was not aware of this. Although I am aware it is my resposibilty to tell them of new addresses etc. Any advice from anyone on what I should do? thanks:-(
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