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  1. Something was puzzling me for a while the other day about this incident. You see, earlier in the week before the do, I had hurt my left knee. So much so that it made walking quite difficult. People at work where asking what I had done as it was obvious when I walked I could not go very fast no walk very well. Having spoken to other people they told me that an earlier disagreement between us broke out in the centre of town. It seems that he walked off and I stayed behind. So I set off a little later heading towards the taxi rank. This is where I happened to meet him again and where the argument occured where the police was called. Now he only lives around the corner from the taxi rank. And there is no way on Earth I could have caught him up given that I cannot walk very well even if there were no ice on the pavement. I never questioned this before, but why should he be there unless of course he was waiting for me. I am also beginning to wonder if this person from the house wasn't actually a friend of his. I don't want to go down the path of consipiracy theory hear, so I won't mention the friend part. However there is NO reason why he should have been on the bus station / taxi rank by the time I got down there, unless of course he wanted to wait for me. And if that is the case it changes the whole game I imagine. You can't put a complaint in about someone harrasing you outside of work, when in fact you're actually waiting for them to get to the taxi rank so you can continue the argument rather than going home when you live around the corner.
  2. I just read the article about the "Try Something Blue" in the Mirror. Ha ha ha, anyone else find it funny that the woman in question was called "Noblett?" That has really cheered me up. Well, the way I see it now is if I am to be dismissed after having an argument (nothing more, nothing less) then so be it. I want those people fighting outside to be sacked to, oh, and everyone else who has been involved in an actual fight over the past 12 months otherwise I am off to an ET claiming I have been unfairly treated. (Argument = Sack Fight = Warning). Failing that I will just set my own business up. After all, its me who does all the bloomin work anyway.
  3. Yes the party ended at 1am and the coach took us back to the place of work. From there we all went our seperate ways. I didn't plan on getting that drunk. Trouble is, everyone was that drunk. It was a collective thing to be honest. The bar tab actually came to over £2,500 for around 38 people. Which, is crazy. Not one of the managers put a stop to any of the events despite people going off to be sick or bouncing off the wallls. I do not know what the other person is facing. They have told me not to make contact. What could they dismiss me for?
  4. Yes, the party was pre organised and completely funded by my employer. Also, I do not know why I have been suspended other than for an "investigation". EDIT: I believe it was him, yes.
  5. Hi, On Friday we had a christmas party. There was a free bar and unlimted drinks. Everyone was completely drunk. On the way home I ended up getting into a disagreement with a colegue. I remember him saying that I was rubbish at my job and he could get me sacked at the click of his fingers. I remember the argument became very heated to the point a householder called the police. The police arrived and arrested me for drunk and disorderely. I have received a fixed pentaly of £80 that states I am not addmitting any guilt. (incidentally I am pursuing a seperate claim of police bulllying via the IPCC as the police who attended were completely out of line, but that is another subject) I was called into a meeting today (I was not advised prior to this what it was about). I was told that my collegue had made a statement and that he had been suspended. In this meeting I explained that as far as I was concerned what had happened was water under the bridge and that in my eyes it was just two blokes having a drunken argument after a free bar on a friday night. I did bring up the issue that he had stated he could get me sacked and that I was rubbish at my job as act of provocation on his part. However I am seriously worried that I can dismissed for this, mainly due to the heavy handed nature of the police and the fact the police were called. This was well outside of work time (2.40am), but we had all attended a office party earlier. Where do I stand with this? In my eyes the £80 penalty notice is not a conviction and I believe it is not an admission of any guilt. (although it stops the night being free). This was the only incident involving myself in the whole evening and all that happened is a heated argument outside of work hours. I can't see how I brought the company into disrepute condsidering when the police arrived there was only two of us there and we was basically just two drunken men arguing about each other. I can imagine the company believing that the disagreement between us could affect out working lives, but I stated in the meeting that I was prepared to let sleeping dogs lie. And after all I wasn't the one making claims about the others working ability or stating that I could get him sacked (FYI, I was actually having a go at him for cheating on his spouse with girls the office and for being a creep and sending emails to the girl sat next to me... yeah, yeah, dashing hero and all... well, maybe just a drunken fool to be honest) If I were to be dismissed for this, would it be fair for me to bring up the fact that actually one of our staff members was actually having a fight outside with someone from another company on the night of the office party? Could I bring up that someone else actually suffered a black eye on the evening (seperate to the above). Can I bring up that there has been at least one occasion where a manager has phhysically blacked the eye of his workers at similar occasion (this happend this year). All this common knowledge throughout the office, I would be able to provide witnesses that acknowledge this) Can I bring up the fact that the incident occured as there was no one at the bar limiting the drinks or having a duty of care towards for the safety of the staff. (Everyone was drunk at this party, trust me) Any advice on this would be gratefully received.
  6. I started getting letters from capquest. I phoned them and they said I had a £2,000 debt. Told me I had to pay it immediately. I advised I cannot afford that. Told me about bunkruptcy, prison, etc. I checked on the internet and I found the standard letter where you send off a £1 to dispute the debt. They sent me a letter from certain scottish bank. However my debt was with a completely different scottish bank, in no way related. I couldnt beleive they had sent me a fraudulent letter. I have sent copies of these to trading standards. I am waiting the 30 days (is it?) to see if they send the relevant documents to me. They have 5 days left. Then I am going to the police. However, today I got a phonecall from mackenzies hall for the same debt! They confirmed they had bought it off capquest. I phoned capquest who told me it was still live on their system, but on hold. In saying that though, I got 4 different letters from capquest that all arrived on the same day, threatening to do different things. 1 said to send copies of driving license, etc, within 14 day. Another said on hold for 28 days, and another threatend court action. Well they can take me to court, as I would like them to explain the fraudulent bank letter. Can they do this? I mean can they sell the debt on without responding to my request. Do I have to send the same letter to mackenzies hall? It costs me £1.45 for a £1 postal order, and then the cost of recorded/special dilvery. I dont want to be doing this every month. I might as well pay the debt off if thats the case. What happens if mackenzies hall sell the debt again once I have sent them the letter. I thought I had sorted this... It appears not. I really do dispute this debt. More than 80% of the £2000 debt is bank charges. Which I plan to challlenge. Hence the reason I want the statements. I dont mind paying what I actually owe, but im not paying over the odds for a couple dozen letters the banks computer has spewed out. What do I do?
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