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Everything posted by pebz

  1. Hi how do i find the address for my SAR letter to find out the actual charges I need to make claim for?????? the more threads I read through the more difficult this all seems, maybe its just a bad day to start (being 1st day of sch hols and having 2 daughters bored already) any help greatly appreciated
  2. Hi folks I am also just starting out, and welly gave me links to read through before I start, maybe you have both read these in which case you will be slightly ahead of me, so any advise and help gratefully received. X;)
  3. Hi Sara, I just registered/joined this site today, because of £70 charges applied to my bank account on friday due to me sending two cheques totalling £80 and forgetting about DD due off my account leaving only £20 odd in account but the bank refer to drawer to cheques and take £70 in charges (£35 each chq) and put me over my limit which will incur another charge of £25 in 3 days time and cheques have been reissued today and i may (if I dont get £ into bank to cover them) have another £70 charge today, please advise how I begin to get the ball rolling in reclaiming charges to my account, i have read about 1st letter etc where do I find these letter templates and general advise on step by step. I am fully committed to getting one up with my bank and once I do I am seriously considering moving banks, I am currently with clyesdale bank plc and their charges seem to be far the worst that I know of. Many thanks for any advise/help you could pass on. Also I find it very hard to navigate throught this site (i know i am new but i keeo getting lost) how will i find any respinses to my posts???? comfused i am. X pebz:?
  4. Hi just joined the CAG and hoping to get some help and advise to for once in my life beat the bank and to speak to some interesting people. Hopefully I may be able to help with some information for someone - I guess everyine knows something to help someone in a particular situation. X
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