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Everything posted by adammday

  1. Hi Deller, Having exactly the same problem with Natwest. I have a personal loan with them and just tried to get the DD transferred to my new Smile acct. No can do they say, it's just not possible. I told them that it doesn't say in the T&Cs that you can't change a DD and what does it matter as long as you're getting the repayment. I've been told it's not physically possible. Keen to know how you get on with the lending centre and it was them who told me that. Could you tell me when the loan was issued? MCOL claim in on the current plus for £900 (approx) and issued to Natwest on 21st Nov. I've since received something from MCOL that they will file a defence. Haven't sent the schedule of charges, but I'll do that this week and will also send copies of all correspondence to the address in Northampton and copies to 135 Bishopsgate. Media attention is gathering pace again on the whole issue. Articles in the London Evening Standard last night and Metro this morning - our revolution is gathering momentum!!
  2. That whole cheque business is rubbish. They must have pretty antiquated systems at this place. They should be able to make an emergency payment by BACS into your daughters bank account. Make her union listen and help - that's what they're there for. Tell your daughter to inform them that they have a duty to represent her interests. That's assuming she is making the monthly contribution. As for the outstanding payment for sickness... It's again, rubbish. There is not a time limit on sick pay. If she was entitled to it, then it should be paid. Simple as that. Again - get the union to act on her behalf. Make an official complaint in writing to the head of HR and the union if there is no satisfactory resolution. This employer sounds disgusting!!
  3. Hi There, I work in HR for a local council. We have a similar scheme in place. The Dr's notes are important as it proves that your daughter was off sick. We would ask employees for these as it's proof for payroll and audit. Surely she should be able to approach her Dr and get copies? They should have copies/records of the appointment and any diognosis. She may have to pay for the copies, but at least she will get her salary. Organisations always use that excuse that things go missing in the post. They're probably sitting on someones desk. Nevertheless, get copies. If your daughter is too ill to take them to HR herself, then someone should do that for her. I would also photocopy the certificates and keep a record. Also ask the person that is being given them for a signed letter exlaining that they were handed to xxxx on the xxx novemeber 2006. Any good HR department shouldn't mind doing this and it's fair enouigh to ask given the circumstances. Good luck with it.
  4. Please help. I purchased a t-mobile wireless LAN £29 per month contract on 31st October for my laptop. Stupidly, I didn't check to see that it would be compatible and found out that it wasn't when I attempted to set it up on my Apple. I took it back to the Carphonewarehouse were I purchased it and they said they couldn't do anything as t-mobile doesn't have the usual 14 day exchange/refund policy. I called t-mobile and they said they couldn't do anything as I purchased it from the Carphonewarehouse and to cancel the 18 month contract would cost nearly £500. Both companies will not help me. I'm sure I must have some rights to cancel this without a penalty. It was a simple mistake, a recent purchase, I've just taken it out the packaging to try to install it. HELP!!! Thanks
  5. Thanks very much for the info and for the good luck. I may need it!!
  6. Hello all. Going through the various stages to get my cash back. Have just had the letter from Stuart Higley saying thanks, but no thanks. I have a query though..... In Jul/Aug and Sep 2004 I was charged £29 on 3 seperate occasions. I can't find what these charges are on my statement. Does anyone have any idea what a £29 charge would be a NatWest current account around that time?
  7. I've just started claiming back my charges. Just received a letter today saying no way "we beleive our charges are fair and not unlawful" - we'll see what the courts say. Good luck with your claim
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