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Everything posted by debora_helena

  1. Thanks for your help guys. I managed to get the money back, but still struggling with getting the default notice removed.
  2. Hello everyone! In short: 5 years ago HSBC entered a default notice against me for a loan payment that could have been paid in full from the illegal charges that they had already taken from my account. I have written to HSBC with the standard letter in the library, demanding the charges back and the default notice removing. They responded with the standard half the money letter, ignoring the default notice issue. I sent the standard LBA letter, they responded with a larger offer, but still ignoring the default notice issue. The deadline is now up. I want to take the next step, but basically I'm scared, befuddled, and I just can't find anything in this maze of information. Questions: 1. Do I need to respond to their latest offer, or can I just start filing the claim? or both? 2. If I want a default notice removed, can challenge HSBC to do this through the money claim website? 3. Any suggestions on the additional wording to include a request for removal of the default notice? Many thanks for any suggestions. If these questions have already been answered, please feel free to call me a dunce, but also point out to where, because I haven’t been able to find them.
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