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  1. could i please have someone respond to this, as i am not sure where i stand thanks
  2. hi all, just found this site after getting a parking ticket, but never mind that, I bout time we got one going for the running of the country
  3. hi all, sorry to be a nuisance, but I thought i would double check after finding this very useful site and having recieved a parking ticket. (daughters dentist was running late) & got a ticket for being in a residents parking area without a permit ( got caught by 9 mins)certain times were free. on my pcn from ealing council contavention date, "date of notice" not issue make & number of the car ( no colour) and all the other relevent stuff on the reciept part it has notice no, veh.reg date of notice (again not issue) contravention date time of issue would this be a legal ticket or not? as it does not have colour of car, and has date of notice rather than date of issue and has time of issue?
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