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  1. Hello Jimmy, I cannot answer your question about the overdraft but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in persueing n&p I am as well (well not me exactly, I'm acting on behalf of a friend). I've just drafted the preliminary letter so I'm behind you in the process, I'll be watching this thread with interest. I think I need to start my own thread, I haven't done this yet I'm still quite new to the site. Fluke.
  2. Once again Willow thanks for the help, yes I have my work cut out but I can't let the bank get away with it they really do take advantage of peoples ignorance and in this case youth. Can I just clarify one point, it seems odd that I should make no mention of the CCJ which has just been applied in the last few weeks as a result of this debt which she wouldn't have had had it not been for their charges. Do I definitely no want to mention this in the preliminary letter? Is it possible that she could have a default notice as well? Would the CCJ override the default notice? Sorry I have just thought of 2 more questions, should I include the £10 sent with the SAR in the charges to be claimed back in the prelim letter? Also, I did my own spreadsheet for the schedule of charges, I could not find a template, is that correct? Thanks again! Fluke.
  3. WillowB, thankyou for your help, much appreciated, I will get on and send the 2nd letter without the optional paragraph. It's possible that she has another CCJ or maybe a default notice for her Capital One debt, all she can tell me is that solicitors got involved and that she pays a certain amount each month. She has no idea how much she owes or what it is for, she seems to have no statements or any paperwork at all. As I mentioned above I've yet to get a reply to the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request). I'll try to obtain her credit record, I've never seen one, what should I be looking for when I receive it? Or will it be obvious? If you can provide a link that would be great. Fluke
  4. The CCJ was granted about a month ago. Should I not include the optional paragraph about the default notice then? Is there any info about what a default notice is (she might have one)? Thanks for the other info.
  5. Hello, I am new to the site but I have been through the FAQ's, read through the step by step process and tried to find my way round the forums which I'm still struggling with a bit with but I'll get there. I am acting on behalf of someone I know who is very young and is struggling with a lot of debt. To cut to the chase, I sent off the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to Peterborough and Norwich and got a reply within a week, I've just drafted the preliminary letter requesting payment and drawn up the schedule of charges which amounts to £1374.44. Questions 1. The optional paragraph refers to a default notice, my friend has had a county court judgement against her for this debt, is that the same thing as a default notice or do I need to alter this paragraph to refer to the CCJ? Can a CCJ be lifted? How should I word this? If there is a page that describes any of the above can you please provide the link. Thanks. 2. I do not see a forum for P & N, which forum should I use? 3. My friend has debts with Capital One, Outfit store card and Littlewoods catelogue. I have sent the SAR for Capital One no reply as yet, she has now paid off the Outfit debt and will shortly be paying off the Littlewoods debt. Can charges be reclaimed for store cards? Is it worth sending SARs to them? Thankyou for all your help and I will be encouraging my friend to donate to this site if/when she gets her money back. Fluke
  6. Hello, I have just drafted the SAR letter but just wanted to check something, a fairly detailed transaction history has already been supplied by the bank to the court which was passed onto my friend, so they've already supplied most of the info that the letter asks for. Should I mention in the letter something to the affect that I am in receipt of much of this information already but It doesn't go right back to the account opening date of November 2004, or should I just send the letter as it is? The other thing is about the manual intervention, there has been some manual intervention in that it went to the banks legal department who filed a claim to the court but the cost of doing this e.g. solicitors fee - £80 and court fees £120, were added over and above what was outstanding on the account. I'm wondering if this might confuse things at all. Any advice or should I just send the letter as is? Fluke
  7. Michael, thankyou so much for that I will follow the links as you advise. She does not have her statements but the bank supplied a transaction history to the court going back to about July 05. She opened her account in November 04. I wouldn't be surprised if there were even more charges than those I listed above. Thanks.
  8. Hi Michael, Thanks for the reply, I don't know my way round the site yet and once I posted my question I couldn't find my way back to it to see if I had any replies. Your reponse also came by email which I've just picked up. I have just contacted the court and they have confirmed that her form admitting responsibility has been accepted and a judgement has been issued against her, she must pay £100 a month starting 22nd October. Does this mean she cannot now claim back the charges which are the reason she got into so much debt in the first place? What would you advise is the next step? Fluke
  9. Hi, This is my first post and no I haven't read through everything yet but I'm worried that time is running out to help a friend of mine. Very quickly, her bank - Peterborough and Norwich Building Society are pursuing her through the court to claim back money she owes them. She didn't know what to do with all the documents so she filled out the form which says she admits liability and offered to pay £100 a month to pay back the debt. This was about a 10 days ago and she had 14 days to respond. She gave me all the documents to look through which included statements going back a couple of years. The bank are claiming the sum of £2,254.32, when I went through the statements I found that £1,249.96 of the debt was their bank charges, see breakdown below. In addition the bank are claiming further costs of £200 bringing their total claim to £2,454.32. From what I can tell my friend went overdrawn by £850, the rest of the claim is bank charges. Unauthorised Item Charges (28 @ £23.00) - £644 Overdradt interest (in total) - £272.96 Overdraft Fee ([email protected], [email protected]) - £72 Unpaid DD [email protected] - £29.5 Unpaid Cheque ([email protected] - £88.5 Direct Debit Charge - £59 Rev Chgs Transaction [email protected] - £59 Solicitors Letter - £25 Total Charges - £1249.96 Her monthly salary is about £800, no wonder she couldn't get back in the black. This strikes me as outrageous and I want to know if it is too late to dispute the claim or issue a counter claim. Can anyone advise or point me in the right direction. Thanks Fluke.
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