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John holmes

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  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Thanks to all the help and encouragement from every body who offered advice. the Halifax have paid in full the £1,889.03 we were asking for. Their intent to defend the claim in full was filed on May 17th. They wrote to me on May 23rd and informed me that the money had been paid into the bank account that they had closed. Since they had demanded we surrender the cheque books and cards in order for them to "resolve" the default, I have written to them to ask that they issue a cheque to me to the value of the court fees. Be aware of this ! They at no time asked how I would like it to be paid. Perhaps I was being naive. Of course this is all done "without liability" because the cost of defending would have been too much to recover (I wonder how much in coparison to their lavish TV adverts ?) Now on to stage two to recover all the charges incurred while I've been fighting this one. Preliminary letter tomorrow. We'll see if it follows the same course. As Curtis Mayfield would have said (if you can remember him) "Keep on keeping on"
  3. Sent preliminary letter April 1st - no response. Sent letter before action April 24th - the delay was because I 'phoned them to ask if they had received the Prelim. and apparently it took eleven days to get to them? 'Phone calls started on April 30th demanding I pay back excess - these escalated to three or four calls a day. Claim issued on May 8th, deemed served on May 14th Halifax indicated intention to defend all of the £1,889.03 claim on May 17th After being 'phoned every weekend - their favourite was 0800hrs Sunday morning - I suggested to them that they ask their legal department to investigate the Wireless and Telegraphy Act 1949 as they may be breaking the law "everything we do is perfectly legal I assure you and we will continue to ring you until you pay the money we are asking for......we haven't decided yet how many times a day we will ring." Since then, no more 'phone calls so; THANK YOU FOR POINTING ME IN THAT DIRECTION ! At the moment I'm battling with the default notice and their threat to take further action through the Court or Collection Agents. I'm making no progress on the 'phone and my letters are not being answered. Thank you once again for the W&T Act 1949. Any further advice? Presumably I wait untill all this is over before I begin the claim for the other charges that have accrued since.
  4. Received a standard computer generated letter in response to my preliminary letter - after it apparantly took 11 days to reach the right department. They are now in receipt of the letter before action (dated April 24th). Had a phone call Sunday morning 30th (funny this because I was told on the phone some time ago that I had to allow 14 BANKING days for them to comply because no one works on a Sunday!) the caller demanded I pay the £500 excess overdraft imediately with my credit card - I explained that because they have already taken all my money, I don't have any to pay them so they will have to wait until I get my charges back - you can imagine the conversation that followed? Any way, this extra £500 is a direct result of them continuing to take charges from my account - it runs at about £300 per month now despite us using a credit card all the time- A classic example of spiraling out of control. The Halifax are going to charge me 26% per month until I settle up. What would you say is the best course of action? I'm at the end of my tether. I would have gone under if it wasn't ror this site.
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