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Everything posted by bradley000

  1. I made a point of using word for word their language from their signs. So logically speaking, if I accepted their "contract" by being vaguely in the vicinity of one of their signs, then they accepted my contract by reading the letter I sent them. We'll see if either of them stand up in court. Not that it will ever get there, worse luck...
  2. Of course it is very easy for them to TRY and collect money. It's even easier for me to pop a letter through your door saying "You owe me £300 for walking on my bit of the pavement", but it doesn't mean you'll pay me, no matter how many times I write nasty letters to you. But because the parking system in this country is such a mess, people are confused to the point where they believe what they are told, and pay up. And that is what these people rely on - our stupidity and fear. I stupidly answered one of their letters (only to point out they don't have a hope in hell of getting a bean out of me, then again, telling them that they are contractually obliged to pay me £20 per hour for having to read their drivel) and it just prompted them to threaten me even faster than they would have done had I ignored them. Still, I am planning to send them an invoce when they next write to me. I have been so bored of late...
  3. Having read further, I think I will take your advice. Seems a shame to miss the opportunity to make these people feel particularly small and stupid however... Thanks for your advice chaps!
  4. I've just had a lovely little run in with "Parkforce" at what seems like one of their favourite hunting grounds, the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead. Being a biker, I don't often park in car parks, as they don't have bike spaces. The area I normally park at the Royal Free is inaccessible because of building work. I rode in, spotted another bike parked, asked the security looking bloke in the high vis if I could park there, and he nodded and waved in a vaguely distracted way. Hence I parked there, and went to my appointment, walking clean past the self same bloke who had told me I could park there. Lo and behold! upon returning my bike has a "Penalty Charge" on it. I spoke to the guy, who got rather irate, called me a liar, said I was calling him a liar for lying to me (funny that) and refused to give his name for my complaint letter ("Why would I put a noose around my own neck" was his response. I take that as an admission of guilt!). So I came back, seething with anger, to do my usual trick of looking for a loophole to exploit, and found this place! On learning that it is all contract law that counts, I don't think I would have been parked anywhere near a contract notice, as I wasn't in the car park. Being as I wasn't on the double yellow lines (But on a little island of pavement that serves no useful purpose) they can't claim that either! I think I shall ignore them until they ask for their £85, then I'll send them a letter (without my address) from the stickies at the top of the forum here. Gawd bless you people for being belligerent and refusing to take crap from these goons!
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