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Everything posted by rodders67

  1. Hi all, new to the forum so please excuse my ignorance. I had a storecard that went to creditors after being unable to keep up re-payments for one reason or another around 18 months ago. I have since kept to all the agreed payments with the dept collectors, but as i am certain i didnt receive a copy of the default notice which is now on my record i am about to go down the route of asking them to supply the original documents as outlined in the thread 'default hell'. My question is wether to keep up the payments to the creditors, or tell them i am now in dispute with card providor. Any replies would be gratefully received.
  2. Cheers for reply Gary. Have spent around 3 hours today familiarising myself with things and am pretty sure i know what needs to be done in each stage of the process. My situation is complicated a little by the fact i live in Scotland but have a student account which for some reason means the account is registered to a branch in Peterborough. I know you have already said in this thread direct all corespondence to the Birmingham address, but do you think this would still apply to me?
  3. Hi guys, only found this website today- think i could be due a right few quid back from the greedy bassas. Have already printed off the data protection letter, but not sure wether to send that one to my local branch or the above address in Birmingham. Any ideas?
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