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Posts posted by carinas

  1. Ok, thanks for taking the time to reply Bombaymix. They did send a letter showing the bracket I would be in & I was expe ring to pay back about £300 per month, I didn't realise because there are two orders they would run at the same time. Is put me in a real position this month with paying my house rent. I'm going to contact step change for some help. Thanks.


    Not sure which area you are in but looking at the following website (for Northampton Council) gives you a rough idea.


    Looks like its all to do with earnings.


    Looks like they're taking 17% of your wage for each AEO.


    Not 100% sure but that would appear round about correct.


    It states that the employer will write to you shortly after deducting the monies to explain what has been taken.


    I know it's of little consolation but paying at this rate will see the orders serviced fully by the end of October.


    Doubt there's anything you can do.


    I'm sure those with more knowledge will be along shortly



  2. Hi everyone,

    It's been a while since I've used this site but now my debts are taking over & I really must address them. Please bear with me...


    My husband left me in 2009 & since then I have struggled financially (I have small children to support) but I work full time so it's not too terrible.


    I have debts & have taken on payday loans, I have ccjs & attachment of earnings orders.


    I'm fairly savvy although I don't have a lot of spare time,

    who would advise trying to deal with these debts by myself or should I lay it all into the hands of step change?


    I was beginning to think along the lines of obtaining a DRO, but I'm pretty sure a lot of the debt is unenforcable.


    Shall I contact them for advice then try to deal with some of it myself?


    I've really got to a point where I need a lot of help & I don't know where to start.


    Also, I tried to reclaim £3500 in bank charges from santander using hardship,

    I went to the fsa & they agreed the charges had been applied fairly,

    can I take this any further?



  3. Hi,

    I have two attachment of earnings orders for council tax which were put through court at the same time and total about £1500 together. Today is the first time I have been paid & the amount that has been taken from my wages is £600ish leaving me just over £1000 to live on for the month. My rent is £685 so as you can see I will be very short this month. I have done some research online via HMRC & cab website & they talk about a protected payment amount but I can't find exact details of amounts, I need to know if they can actually take this amount in one go or if my employer has made a mistake. Also, I was never asked to fill on a statement o earnings but is this just because it was for council tax? I also have another attachment of earnings which takes around £40 per month. Can anyone help me please?

    I haven't collected my wage slip yet to confirm exact amounts.

  4. Would appreciate some advice please.


    My local authority have taken me to court on the basis of failur to notify a change of circumstances & obtaining an overpayment of housing benefit, i was found guilty & sentenced to community payback & fined. I have appealed this, as it is incorrect, i never needed to notify them as the person they say was living with me was not. Their conviction was based on letters & bank accounts etc being at my address.


    I have recently sat down & gone through the numbers they have used, they are trying to reclaim around £10k, however the date that they used in the court conviction that this person vacated my address, they have not included in the recalculation & they have stated that i do not have an ongoing entitlement to HB, however if they had calculated this without this other wage included (after the date threy claim he'd moved out) i would have an ongoing entitlement of around £70 per week, plus they would owe me around £3000 from the date they stopped my claim, also they would owe around £2000 from what they had incorrectly included in the original calculation.


    So basically they have taken me to court & had me convicted for fraud which is £5000 over what they might have originally had me charged for. Obviously i am appealling & waiting for a date at crown court, what effect might this have on their case? I'm thinking there needs to be an independant person clairfy the figures, who might i pay to do such a job?


    I have recently wrote to the council underlining their error, in the hope that they will reinstate my HB & possibly deal with the back payment, but i'm really concerned that i do not win at appeal, i have been charged with £5000 worth more of HB fraud than i ought to?


    Any advice on this case would be much appreciated thankyou xx

  5. i'm just going to keep this up to date as i progress it might help someone. This is the letter i have posted & emailed:


    Dear Sirs


    I am writing with regard to the above account relating to a Liability Order your company has been requested to enforce. I would like to inform you that your client has accepted payment in full for £108 – ref number **********. As any amounts you now claim are outstanding, are fees applied by yourselves I request that you please provide me with a breakdown of the charges including Computer Screenshot. This is not a subject access request under the Data Protection Act S7 1998 so does not incur a fee of £10. As the outstanding fees as applied by yourselves now becomes a civil matter I await your further action, once you have proved your application of fees was indeed fair & legal. I also require the name of the attending Bailiff and the name of the Court he was Certificated at. You are obliged to provide this information. I require this information within 14 days.


    It would appear, from advice that I have received, my circumstances are classed as 'vulnerable' according to the National Standards for Enforcement Agents. The reason for this is that I am pregnant. As you may be aware this is a particularly sensitive period where health and wellbeing are paramount. Stress and pregnancy are a very fraught mix where there is real potential danger to both the expectant Mother and unborn child. I have enclosed a copy of my consultants report from the ultrasound scan as confirmation that I am indeed expecting.


    Therefore, I respectfully request that in the meantime, you do not visit my property as this would cause further undue stress and anxiety.


    I would be grateful if you would please confirm safe receipt of this letter.


    A copy of this letter has also been sent to ****** Council for their information.


    Yours faithfully.


    and this is the email i got in response:


    Dear Mrs ********,

    Further to your recent email please be advised that this is a subject access request and would advise that a £10 payment should be forwarded to our office, once received the required information will be dispatched.




    Oh no no no see i dont think it is a SAR! Oh well more ammo for me then, i await to see if i get the same response from the letter i posted. I dont see how it can be a SAR, we've gone from a letter detailing £108 to a letter from baliff himself which simply had £507- written by hand in the top corner, how can they seriously expect me to just pay that with no justification of charges?

  6. no i dont own that car anymore and the one i do own has just been taken away to a garage as i was the non fault party in an accident last week, he has not made a levy as far as i know he has not left paper work.

    I am 3 1/2 months pregnant and recieve housing & council tax benefits.

    I am thinking i will pay the council fine via the automated system then write to baliffs stating council has accepted payment in full and as any outstanding fees will amount to civil action i await their court order and also ask for break down of fees? Sound reasonable?

  7. help please - will try to keep it quick.

    Recieved a council parking ticket, then letter to say it had gone up. Am currently undergoing a DRO to sort my finances and incorrectly thought it could be included so ignored original letters from baliffs. When i realised it couldn't be included in DRO i called them to say i couldn't afford to pay the amount of £108 in full but was willing to make an arrangement, they said they wasn't prepared to do that and i'd need to pay in full. I then called the council and said i believe i am classed as a vunerable person as i am pregnant at the moment and was told they cant do anything now its been passed over to baliffs.

    Just had a baliff at the door, he asked me to pay £507 as original amount has gone up, told him i cannot do it however i could pay £108 today. he said he would accept it as part payment, i said no!

    Called council again and was told they do not have a responsibility towards me once again and they cant call off baliff action.

    Called baliff and told him i've looked on internet and under the enforcement guidelines he has a responsibility towards me as i'm a vunerable person and he said he doesn't need to know my life story!! I said i would like him to provide me with a full break down of the costs involved and he said contact the office, so i have got nowhere!

    I cant afford to pay the fine now its gone up however i could scrape the £108 together, whats my best plan of action?

  8. Just a question, recieved a parking ticket last week:

    Drove up to a local village that i haven't been to for a while, parked in white box bay outside of row of shops and popped in the pet shop for all of 5 mins, when i came out parking attendent was standing at car. I said to him oh sorry should i not have parked there, i'm here now. to which he replied "Dicks parking only" (disc parking apparently but he had a terrible accent LOL) Well i went onto say i never knew that as i hadn't shopped here for a good few years, so i will just go now. He says too late i have done your ticket. He hadn't even started the ticket when i first approached the car yet he still continued to print it out. He said waiting only. I got in the car and went to drive off and he stuck the ticket on the screen, i pulled it off and screwed it up and he then proceeded to take a photo of my rear numberplate as i drove away.

    So what should i have done (apart from not parked there in the first place!) I thought as i returned to the car and he hadn't done the ticket i could just drive off. I've not paid it yet but expect i'll have to as it was issued by local council warden.

    Next time should i just drive off with out even talking to him?

  9. I've SAR'd Vanquis about 4 months ago, they replied stating to save time they would refund me around £150 and didn't enclose statements, then they set a debt collector on me. I've took a few months out due to having a baby and i have heard nothing off of them but i will be writing to them this week, i'll update this with more exact dates when i have the paperwork to hand.

  10. Mines sits at 650. So when does it get moved into good or even fair then?



    i was on 685 and that was still poor, it has now gone down to 645 as i had a late payment on a catalogue


    it does say the nations average credit score is 750 so maybe thats when it gets to good?


    i've joint checkmyfile.co.uk to get my info and on there both call credit and experian say i have no searches which is bad against my score, BUT Equifax says i have 20 searches, which i'm sure have been created by a broker! i need to get some removed.

  11. hi andy,


    I've got a date with Welcome in 2 weeks... in court! They never fulfilled my CCA request and therefore have stated they will not take any more money off me, so i'm chasing them for the PPI and charges applied to the account.


    Just thought i'd share a joke with ya... In my SAR response i recieved Welcomes computer notes, on which a welcome employee had wrote:

    "customer states best time to contact is after 5:30 yet we ring her 9 times during the day, WHY????????"

    seems someone at Welcome may have a brain cell!

  12. - some advice please!


    I'm just in the process of CCA'ing Littlewoods, Littlewoods direct and additions direct. The credit for these 3 companies is all supplied by Shop direct financial services, so can i send one CCA detailing the 3 account numbers or do i only need to send 1? I owe each of the companys over £300 each and charges will amount to about £50 on each so i'm happy if they have no agreement and quash the debt, as this will help me to remove their details and late payments from my credit file.


    Also Studio cards. I've only ever spent about £120 with them and they have added about £80 in late payment charges, so i wish to take the other approach of reclaiming charges from them. Will issue them with a prelim.


    anyone wish to comment, will be grateful of any help!

  13. a few questions


    1) Is the agreement HP? I would imagine it is, please confirm.


    yes it is


    2) Is the fault rectified? Who supplied the credit, was it the firm you purchased the car from?


    fault is rectified now but only because i paid out over £300 myself, credit was supplied via car dealers to blackhorse


    3) Have you received a default noitce?


    I dont believe so, although Black horse insist that i have.


    I've only had the car for 11 months so i wont have paid more than 1/3, as it was over a 3 year term. Although i did cancel the PPI which significantly reduced the amount of the total amount to repay.

  14. some help required urgently please!


    have had my car on finance with black horse since last Sept, account was paid regularly and on time until april when i missed my payment, there had been an ongoing problem with an exhaust and the dealer had refused to fix it any more ( they had fitted 3 exhausts on the car which all broke and so i paid out for a peugeot exhaust to be fitted) I had stayed in contact with Black horse and advised them of this and they agreed that my payments for april and may be late or deferred (inever got this in writing) i have since missed paying june and july payments due to personal circumstances and Black horse have now instructed the car to be collected. So i rung Black horse and the person i spoke to gave me a hard time about not making my payments (all fairly!) and said to go away and think about what i can pay and when and if i can actually afford to keep the car and to call them back with a payment plan. SO i rung back the next day with a payment plan and the girl i spoke to this time says no its arrears in full Or return the car. They are even asking me to pay this months payment which is not due until the 30th in with my arrears (which need to be paid by tomorrow else they collect the car, they are around £1000). I have spoken to the guy instructed to collect the car and he says he cant agree a payment plan so it would be up to them to sort it out, but said they are a harsh company to deal with. I cant afford to pay all the arrears right now but could in about 3 weeks. What can i do? If i CCA them now can they not take the car until they have produced my agreement? Please help, i know its my fault for falling bahind but i feel they are being quite unhelpful.

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