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  1. Thanks for the clarification Ollliebear appreciated
  2. Hi all, Need advice. Claiming £568 from Natwest. DPL & LBA already submitted. Response from Natwest today suggets they feel the charges dont warrant refund and have reject my requests for full refund. I am getting confused because I am also claiming from Abbey and the terminology on the Abbey threads are a little different from those posted here. So can the following be clarified. 1. Can I now further both claim (seperately) on money claim? 2. What is the differnce between AQ - N149 form and the N1 form are they the same when does it get used. I have read the library on the 'AQ' need however when do I need to used one, how is it differnt to the N1 from on the moneyclaim site? Know someone will be able to help. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello all, I never recieved the letter from abbey ref the GOGW. In any case i followed up with a call to complaints, and they advise (huge inconsistancies), they do not offer these GOGW's in writting, merely by phone. Subsequenty I have enclosed, at their request a further LBA for the full amount and expect a reply in 14days. Do you guys have any further news?
  4. Thanks for the advice, the advisor did say it would be sent in writing. I think as you say it might be best to respond, once I have their offer? I will wait until I have all the correspondance from them.
  5. Hi all, needs some advice ref GOGW. Entered my branch today for an update, regarding my claim for £1766.00, I was advised my letter at branch level had been reviewed and a reply was in the post suggesting I further my complaint with the the FAS. If I was dissatisfied with this response I could log a complaint to the complaits department, which I did by telephone, and was offered a GOGW payment for £830.00, what is the best course of action? Do I accept this and further my claim for the differnce? Thanks in advance
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