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Everything posted by wlshwsl1

  1. Today i received a letter from Abbey...they have settled because ' the cost of preparing a defence...and without admission of any liability' I will recieve the sum total of £3265.49. My court date was on the 20th of July. This site has been astounding in bothits support and help. I will be proud to donate. Don't give up your claims people!!! Maria x
  2. hahaha..its truly unbelievable! My court case is at the same court next month against Abbey(different judge I think) my court bundle is in as is witness statements..should i add anything else in view of this issue do you think ? Maria
  3. Thanks for that! I'm not sure but I think judgement has been reserved while the judge does some 'research' I'll pass on the info to him though and get him to read this thread. Maria
  4. Hi there I thought I'd ask your advice about a problem that appears to have happened to a friend of mine. I personally have a claim in progress with Abbey but he went to court in Edmonton, North London today and this is what happened 'barclays didnt turn up, the judge was a xxxx who had never of these 'unfair charges' he refered to case a in birmingham a couple of weeks ago where the bank won. i used the standed claims letter downloaded from the net he said i was in breach of contract for going overdrawn. i said i admit to that but the charges were unfair as it only cost the bank £1.50 to send out a letter, he had never of heard of this before, (unbelievable as it's been all over the web and in the papers for the last month) so i had to pursade him to do some reserch before he gives judgement. not looking good if i'm being honest' Can anyone shed any light on this or offer advice? Maria x
  5. Hi I would just like to say that reading all of your successes on here is helping me to keep going. My court date is on 20th of July and things are quiet. I'm currently stressing about whether I've supplied the correct bloody paperwork and generally panicking! Court bundle (basic) Witness statement both done..not sure about a statement of evidence? and not got terms and conditions yet. Do i need to work out the time it took to put all this together? and how? Any advice very gratefully recieved Maria x
  6. Thanks and good luck for thursday ..let me know how you get on! Maria
  7. Hi everyone.. I'm claiming for charges against Abbey ..approx £3000 and my court date is scheduled for the 20th of July. My Court bundles have been submitted ..hopefully arriving today.. and I would like to know what to expect from Abbey from now on in. Will I ever attend the court ..will they hopefully settle before? When are they likely to contact me and do they have any history of making another offer? Any information gratefully recieved! Maria x
  8. Hi everyone..first would like to say what a brilliant job everyone is doing in reclaiming their charges and the advice here is first class. I need a little advice, I'm still forging ahead with my claim and should recieve my AQ soon. Today I recieved a letter from Abbey..with their defence. First an offer of half my claim was made to me, do i need to reply to refuse or not do anything? Secondly I would like to check that the letter is standard as it says 'the charges are liquidated damages, and not penalty charges and are therefore valid pre-estimates of loss' is this usual in their explanation of the charges or is it pertinent to my claim? Thanks Maria
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