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Posts posted by Becky8976

  1. Just been reading your post to get as much info as poss. I calculated the intrest wrong when I put in the claim. I calculated £40 and have now discovered it is more that £600!!! I will ask the court to consider adjusting the claim to show this. What do you think my chances are?!?!?

  2. I have sent my reply to Cobbetts saying I will provide info at the COURTS request yesterday and today I have received a letter from cobbetts offering £1200 as a gusture of goodwill as they think my claim will not hold up in court (yeah right!!). The letters must have crossed in the post but I am NOT accepting this offer as my claim is for £2118+int+costs. I am going to write a letter saying thanks but no thanks.

  3. Hi

    Just wanted to say you have given me hope to carry on!!! I have had the court case allocated to Halifax (near me) and Cobbetts are trying to get me to answer a lot of question (apparently same as you!!). I have just drafted a letter, some copied from yours (thanks!!) telling them I will supply such info if and when the court requests it!!! I am posting it tommorrow and see what happens. Thanks for giving me the confidence to carry on, after all £2118 + int+costs is not a small amount!!!

  4. Hi, I'm new on here and have managed to get as far as paying £100 to my local court as MCOL rec'd a defence from RBS (Cobbetts). Now I am stuck!! The solicitors keep asking me for info. I have until 18th Sept to provide a list of all charges (not a problem), but they want me to provide a lot of other info such as the paragraph no of the contract I have with RBS that I said they have broken. They keep threatening me with asking the court to stop the claim if I do not give them this info. Should I give it to them? It seems to me they are just trying to get me to trip myself up IYKWIM. Should I have to provide this information if I am taking THEM to court. Surely THEY should have to justify the charges to ME!! Please help!!!

  5. I am reclaiming my charges from RBS. I have gone through MCOL and RBS submitted a defence. I have sent back a questionaire thing and am waiting for the court to get in touch, however RBS's solicitors keep writing to me asking for information such as a copy of all charges (no problem). They have also asked me to quote the paragraph number of the contract in which I have with the RBS in which they have broken. They also want other info but I am getting fed up with it now but they have said if I don't provide this information they will apply to the court to drop the case. I feel that THEY should prove to ME that the charges are fair and just as it's ME taking THEM to court. I have until the 18th to reply. What should I do? Anyone else had this? The solicitors are Cobbetts. Any advice would be appreciated.

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