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Posts posted by james2747

  1. Hi Dynosaw

    Its a pity the court fees deter you at the moment .. I appreciate cash is tight (we all been there!) but on receipt of the County Court summons a cheque would soon follow for payment in full from Capital One.

    Citi bank, on the other hand, play the game to the end .. and sometimes win, as certain individuals are 'unlucky' with the judge they get, or were not as prepared as they should have been.

    best of luck.


  2. Hi ... an 11th hour request. If you have followed the excellent guide lines and wealth of info from others on here and prepared thoroughly you will not have any problems.

    The case that Lloyds TSB won does not set a precedent.

    Just convince the judge the fees are 'penalty fees' and not payment for a service. Many threads on here discredit the judges ruling in the TSB case .. a bit of bedtime searching and reading needed.

    Be very courteous to the judge and get him on your side.

    Hope all goes well.


  3. I see Citi Cards are now trying to 'strengthen' their argument, using a statement from their Financial Director to verify their costs are £12.88 or more per transaction.

    For those of you due to appear against them in court, make it clear to the judge that such 'evidence' is not worth the paper it is written on without all the detail that makes it up. Tell the judge that if the financial proof had been independently audited by an approved audit company, the likes Ernst & Young or KPMG, then you would be prepared to accept it. Offer to have the case adjourned so that Citi can do this and then re-present an audited set of numbers to the court. This will cost them more than a few £'pounds to do ... but if they are as certain of their costs then this would be a sensible thing to do, as no one would then be able to claim the penalty charges are not a true reflection of their costs!

    Question. I wonder why they haven't done this many months ago ... no need to have paid anyone back if their costs are genuine? Mmmm, makes you think, doesn't it?

  4. Yes, just write and request 6 years back ... from today. To save time, enclose copies of ID to prove its you, or they will just stall you by responding in a week or two asking for the same. Suggest cc of driving licence, cc of utility bill, etc. Send £10 fee with it ... however, before you do much more I suggest you spend some time going through the Frequently Asked Questions secn on this site first!


  5. J

    The delay is normal, very normal. Its in the banks interest to string things out as long as possible. Please read the various threads on here ... reading others experiences is very educational and also very encouraging. Most end up with the ..." I got my money", it was worth the effort. If you have any specific issues you feel nervous about, then post on here and you will get help.

    Its your money your after ... not theirs!!


  6. Hi F'belly

    Not got a court date yet ... but just a note of caution to others that Citi will always request the case is transfered to Salford, their local court. Citi usually take things as far as the court case and with (in) their Application Questionnaire they plead with the court just how traumatic and inconvenient it is for them to defend themselves all over the country against those litigious and unreasonable customers (ex). You MUST attach a letter (good examples on this site) saying why it should not be transferred when you submit your own Application Questionnaire. My AQ was with my local court for nearly 6 weeks and even though I called the court office regularly to see if a date or any progress was made all I was told was "the papers are with the judge, you will hear something soon" ... very surprised when only a few days after enquiring about progress I received letter notification from local court that judge had granted Citi request for transfer ... no chance for me to put my reasons to have the case heard locally. Have now written to Salford Court requesting they transfer case back to my local court. Heard nothing yet!!

  7. Craigten

    The sequence goes like this ...lots of timewasting and go-away letters from Citi.

    You file your MCOL, this usually prompts the "£12 difference payment", i.e. they refund the value of any charge over £12 (£25 penalty = £13 refunded). You don't need to ask for this ... Citi do it. Citi seem to think the judge (should it get that far) will see this payment as them being kind, generous, considerate etc. The fact that their true costs are a maximum of 25pence per breach is what we need to focus on. Keep going with your claim ... you'll get the letter saying "we have successfully defended all claims etc etc " .. this is bollocks. J

  8. The onus is on them to deliver it ... you need to be reasonable so asking them to post rather than deliver personally would be a gesture on your part. Having said that, I'm sure they deliver thousands of beds so a van should be close to you sometime in the next week or so. If they are awkward ... reject the bed (even easier if you paid by credit card) as they have not fullfilled their contract .. that should get the protector delivered pretty quick. J.

  9. KAIZER ... surprised at your comment. I am sure you can open an account at a bank to suit yourself. You may need to put a few £'s in to open matters ... but then you just advise the benefit and tax credit offices of your change of bank details and payments go in to your new bank account.


  10. Yes, I would write to them ... telling them that having failed to respond to the generous deadline you gave them ... left with no option but to seek repayment of the unlawful deductions through the courts, etc etc...

    Inform them that you have raised the court action but don't supply the case refn number ... i'd just say something like " you should be hearing from the court in the near future". On getting the court action .. they will raise a defence document ... pay you a sum equivalent to the difference between the charges levied and £12. i.e. if it is a £20 charge you get £8 returned, ...£25 charge , you get £13 returned. Write to them telling them you accept as part payment only and keep the action running.

  11. Hi JJ

    No point in waiting. They drag things out for as long as possible but Citi (aka Mr. Smith) will USUALLY proceed to a court hearing ... but not always ... just be prepared for that if it happens. File MCOL (money claim on line) ... but ensure in any letters you write to Citi you put statements such as "you have left me no option but to proceed to court action" .. a judge reviewing the case would pick up on your helpful tone vs big ,bad, arrogant Citi ... always helps to have the judge on your side. If you get as far as court ... will give you some useful tactics / line of argument in good time.


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