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Posts posted by stan5131

  1. Reply from BPA:


    Thank you for your email below.


    Once a parking charge notice has been issued a parking operator has up to six years to chase the alleged debt.

    If the operator does not invoke the Protection of Freedoms Act for keeper liability (this is where the timescales are prominent), they may continue to chase the debt.

    If you were not the driver you should (if you can) give the name and address of the driver so that liability can be transferred.


    Unfortunately without the driver details, the parking operator will continue to chase the keeper and the courts will decide if the keeper was in all probability the driver.

    You may wish to seek legal advice on this matter or appeal to the parking operator.

    You have not named the operator so I cannot confirm if they are a member or not, they may be a member of the International Parking Community. www.theipc.info .


    We will investigate any complaints about alleged non-compliance with the Code of Practice.

    However, we are not set up to deal with disputes from the general public about parking or control.

    We are not a legal entity nor a regulatory body.

    Therefore, the Code does not provide a way for the driver to challenge how a landowner or operator has applied parking control or enforcement on private land.

    Any challenge or appeal is a matter for the landowner's or operator's procedure, with the option of taking it to POPLA, and or the Courts.

    We will not get involved in the arbitration of a dispute between an operator and an individual.

  2. And the latest instalment:



    Thank you for including extracts from the BPA code of practice.



    Please note that there is no time frame for this notice to be sent as you have misread the guidelines, allow me to educate: "you should apply" is not the same as "you must apply". This is a guideline, any delay in this process only gives the driver extra time to resolve the matter, as explained in my email of 21/10/2016, this delay stands in our client's favour and definitely does not invalidate this account.



    "notice to the keeper of the vehicle no more than 14 days after receiving the keeper data from the DVLA", the registered keeper's details were received on 03/10/2016 and the NTK sent on the same day, therefore our client is well within their legal right to pursue this PCN.



    Please understand that I am not trying to threaten or scare you into paying. my contact with you is because my job is to give you the opportunity to resolve this account outside of the legal process. I am actually trying to help you save money.



    I fear that this account will have to progress to the legal stage in order for you to take it seriously.



    The next stage of progression will see this account passed to debt recovery on 02/11/2016.

  3. If the 'client' ( not this shower) is a member of the BPA then yes, they should. Members of the BPA follow the rules of PoFA 2012. Members of the IPC do not follow PoFA and as such they can take as long as they want.


    This is where things get confusing. We don't actually know who their client is! (apart from being the hospital)


    ZZPS who operate the ipaymyPCN are members of the BPA so I would be complaining to them about the content of the emails




    Yes, bottom of letter says they are members of BPA. thanks

  4. Not been on here for a while.


    Received a NTO five months after parking in a hospital.

    There was no pcn on the car so was surprised to get a NTO five months later.

    I have looked about this site and fired off a couple of emails which I will copy below.


    Can anyone help?


    Further to your letter dated 3rd October and request for payment.

    Please note that there was no PCN on the car and this is the first I am aware.


    The incident referred to is more than 56 days prior to the receipt of your notice.

    As such you have not complied with the requirements of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 to imply keeper liability. In which case, the matter must be taken up with the driver of the vehicle.


    As the keeper of the vehicle, I consider this matter to be closed and shall not enter into any further communication.


    Yours faithfully


    Good morning,


    Thank you for your email.

    Our client is not relying on POFA(2012) in order to pursue this PCN.

    Our client will argue the balance of probability that as you are the keeper you would have been the driver as well.

    Our client feels there is sufficient evidence to pursue this PCN and have maintained their instruction to recover the outstanding balance. If the account remains unresolved, it will progress to debt recovery.

    Kind regards

    Good Afternoon.


    Thank you for your email.

    As the vehicle is insured for two drivers, I am afraid this cannot be relied on in court.

    I fully intend to defend any court action, where I will furnish the courts with a copy of the Certificate of Insurance, showing two named drivers.

    Yours faithfully,


    Good afternoon,

    Thank you for your email.

    So just to be clear, you are going to submit the driver's details in court?

    Seems like this may be looked at as a waste of the court's time, why not submit the driver's details now to avoid this process?

    Either way, these details will be supplied and this PCN will be pursued.

    Kind regards



    I do not know who was driving!

    Just to be clear - this PCN was issued 5 MONTHS ago!

    There was no ticket on the vehicle and this has been your first contact regarding this matter.

    Are you expecting me to remember who was driving the vehicle 5 months ago?


    You need to read my last email properly.

    I did not suggest I was going to give the driver details in court! I

    wrote that I would prove there are two named drivers, meaning you cannot assume the owner was the driver!


    Your request is unreasonable, given the delay in sending out a NTO


    Good morning

    Thank you for your email.

    If there are only 2 named drivers, and it wasn't you driving. It may be easier to work out who was driving than you think.

    You said you will submit insurance documents which will name the 2 people on the policy.

    One will be you, and and the other the driver?

    Once this evidence is presented the liability can be updated.

    The balance will have increased by that point though, however, that will be due to your obstruction.

    Kind regards


    You are either not reading my emails, or being deliberately obstructive.

    I have repeatedly told you that I DO NOT know who was driving, as the incident was some 5 months ago!

    It is impossible to remember which of the two named drivers were driving the vehicle some 5 months ago. Why has it taken 5 months to issue a NTO ?


    Good afternoon,


    Thank you for your email.

    If you had a chat with the other person named on the policy I am sure between you, you would be able to figure out who was driving.


    The fact that our client gave the driver 5 months to resolve this before involving you as the registered keeper would stand in their favour as there is no time limit for this correspondence to be sent out unless you are reliant on the Protections Of Freedoms Act (2012), which our client is not.

    This will progress to the legal stage if you do not co-operate.

    Why waste the time going down this route when I can offer you an affordable payment plan that resolves this matter without legal fees applied?

    Kind regards

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

  5. Im hoping someone can help my friend and will try and give as much information.


    My friend sold her car in August to a neighbour.

    Due to illness and being on sick and in and out of hospital, she could no longer afford the running costs.


    Three weeks ago she received a hand posted letter from a Bailiff for a bus lane ticket which she had no prior knowledge of.


    The bailiffs visited again and she refused them entry.


    The next day, the neighbour who bought the car came round furious saying the bailiffs clamped the car and had it towed off within half an hour.


    He told them that he was the owner but they said he would need to pay £500 to stop them towing it off.

    When I say neighbour, he lives on the next estate so it wasnt even any where near my friends house.


    They have both made numerous phone calls to the bailiffs offices (Marsdens) and been given nothing but the run around.

    They asked the new owner to fax proof of ownership which he has, but everything he has faxed

    - which they asked for - isnt good enough.


    When he asked what would be good enough, they said they didnt know!


    The new owner made a complaint to the police but they didnt want to know and flatly refused to get involved.


    He has also tried to complain to the authority that instructed the baiiffs and has done this in writing but they are giving him the run around too.


    They have now had the car for 3 weeks for an original debt of £100 for which they have taken an Audi TT and they now want neary £1000 to get the car back.


    The new owner wants my friend to refund him the money for the car, which she hasnt got as this money was used to pay all her debts and rent arrears due to being ill and out of work.


    What next?

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