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Graham B2

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  1. Quick update ladies and Gents, I've now had my Credit card charges refunded and my credit report repaired. Now I just need to know where I stand with reguards to claiming the interest I've been paying on my cards since Sept 06 as I would have had them on a 0% deal from then (the search was registered on my credit file so I can prove it) untill now but was refused due to the state of my credit file due to HSBC's feck ups, do I have a case?
  2. Cheers for the advice, it is a total headache I spent over an hour on the phone to the coplaints dept on Saturday and the young lady I spoke to was amazed that I'd been treated so badly, so far I've got all the Credit card charges refunded and all the missed payments on my experian report are being corrected, now just need to negociate a refund of all the interest I've been unduly paying......:-? :-?
  3. Cheers Nettyg It's been a hell of a year, I even started debating having a safe under my floor I've lost my faith in banks so much!
  4. Hi guys looking for some advice on who to speak to and how to approach “The worlds worst…sorry local bank” my HSBC Woe’s began in Jan 2006 I went to HSBC to get a consolidation loan to clear Credit cards which had a 3 month payment ‘Holiday’ so I could get myself back on track after Christmas. I left the branch happy as I’d negotiated a rate 4% lower than std & didn’t have to start paying it off till April 06 . This happiness would be short lived as I received a call in March 06 saying I was in arrears and I must pay £323 immediately, I paid this as I did not want it to hit my Credit history due to looking to buy a house in the next 2 years! I persistently complained in both the branch and by phone (at one point being told by the branch manager that it was a small error to which I told her that I worked for an Investment Bank and yes the physical figures involved may be much bigger but the principal of making a mistake that could affect your clients credit rating was a sack able offence:p ) this was resolved over the course of the next month and I had the monies refunded into my account so I took no further action. Then their next blunder I changed Jobs in April 2006 and requested all my direct debits be moved from the 25th to the 1st of the month most companies I use took this via phone and sent me a confirmation letter in the post, some I had to pay an extra month due to the date moving backwards which I was quite happy to do and all was hunky dory until the 25th May when my HSBC Loan was taken 5 days before payday pushing me over my overdraft, I called HSBC to complain about this and they apologised, cancelled the charge & gave me a free temp overdraft extension free (I’ve worked in customer service I know how to get my own way). Fine I thought till the 25th of June when it happened again and the 25th of July when I got a similar result from the bank. When it happened again on the 25th of August my blood boiled so I went straight to customer services and explained what had happened and what did I need to do to stop a repeat of this, they called back within 10 minutes and explained that I needed to put it in writing, at no point in the previous 3 months in any one of the previous calls about this had I been told this. Now am I being nieve but it didn't make sense why would I need to write to HSBC bank to ask them to take money from my HSBC current account to pay my HSBC loan on a different date when all other external companies had been happy to do this by phone!!! Could this be a cover up for someones incompetance:confused: Finally in September this was resolved after much stress and time taken out of my working day to resolve this. The next problem I had started in Aug 06 when I purchased a car on my credit card this was late August. I had not used the card since clearing the balance in January with the above mentioned loan and previously had a direct debit for the minimum payment as I do with all my creditors so that I never miss a payment so didn’t worry as I was going to clear the balance upon selling my other car. I got a phone call late november on a Saturday afternoon from HSBC’s Indian call centre saying that I was 2 months in arrears and I needed to pay £184 immediately, I explained to the woman that I had a direct debit on this account and this couldn’t be possible, the caller basically ignored what I had said and again demanded the money that day so I explained it was coming up to Christmas & was unable to pay that amount in one go so would they take a £50 interim payment so it was registered as a missed payment this offer was refused blankly and the woman on the phone said the only way to stop any charges/problems was to pay the full amount which I couldn’t till the 1st of the Dec so could they hang on till then, this again was very bluntly refused so I said I’d go to the branch to sort out. I left this and paid on the 1st Dec when I got paid leaving me short for Xmas. I rang and asked if the direct debit could be re-instated and this was apparently done for me. I then received a call in January on my work phone by a very rude individual basically going through the same as above but with the worst customer service I have ever come across winding me to the point of raising my voice at my desk this phone call was ended “if you are refusing to pay Mr Brien then that is the end of the conversation” and put the phone down on me:-x . I was instantly back on the phone to complain about this my point being he shouldn’t talk over the customer, at least listen to why I couldn’t pay and try and make some sort of alternative arrangement (which I thought they were obligated to do but he refused) and if you are going to use the phrase “the worlds local bank” in your advertising the least you could do is use people local in origin to the customer when you are making sensitive calls about arrears as the clash in cultures had caused undue stress for both myself and no doubt their employee. Again I had to pay out £184 to aviod charges and a hit on my record leaving me short again that month. I then get yet another call in February saying that my payment hasn’t been taken yet again so I pay and am left short for the third time in 6 months but this time I asked what was going on and the caller could not explain why as the direct debit was set as active and was originally setup in June 2005. Due to being left short and a bill needing paying I went into the Bank London branch to ask for an extension on my overdraft by £350 which was to my total surprise refused so my only option was to borrow cash on my credit card at an extortionate rate which to me is daylight robbery. This is where I started to look into what could be done and came across Motley Fool & Consumer action Group Websites and followed there recommendation and got a credit report, much to my dismay I had a full 12 months of missed payments on my HSBC Loan ( stemming from complaint 1) and missed payments on my HSBC credit card (above) now everything fell into place as to why I was refused when I applied for an MBNA Credit card on 01/09/06 for a 0% APR rate to transfer my current balance whilst I sold my other car and then why they would not extend my overdraft making me borrow on my Credit card in March and again now in April. So basically I’ve been paying over £100 pcm in interest on 2 credit cards that should have been on the 0% card I applied for in Sept 06 and unable to transfer my current debt’s to better deals (could have dropped at least 2% APR off £23K in personal loan) due to HSBC mistakes. Basically I want to know where I stand for re-claiming charges and interest as they have left my near perfect credit score now below 900 due to administration errors on their part and the stress and sleepless nights it has put me through in the past 14 months. Not only this but I have been looking to find a better deal but have been unable due to this. I am also slightly suspicious as I currently re-claiming my bank charges due to the FSA ruling and have noticed how service etc has worsened since I sent this letter and from the CAG website have read plenty about the deviousness of banks. I have had my Credit history repaired for the missed payments on the HSBC loan but are still fighting for the correction for my HSBC credit card and until I get this sorted cannot move my money to better deals, can I reclaim the charges and the difference in APR??? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Many Thanks Graham
  5. Hi guys looking for some advice on who to speak to and how to approach “The worlds worst…sorry local bank” my HSBC Woe’s began in Jan 2006 I went to HSBC to get a consolidation loan to clear Credit cards which had a 3 month payment ‘Holiday’ so I could get myself back on track after Christmas. I left the branch happy as I’d negotiated a rate 4% lower than std & didn’t have to start paying it off till April 06 . This happiness would be short lived as I received a call in March 06 saying I was in arrears and I must pay £323 immediately, I paid this as I did not want it to hit my Credit history due to looking to buy a house in the next 2 years! I persistently complained in both the branch and by phone (at one point being told by the branch manager that it was a small error to which I told her that I worked for an Investment Bank and yes the physical figures involved may be much bigger but the principal of making a mistake that could affect your clients credit rating was a sack able offence:p ) this was resolved over the course of the next month and I had the monies refunded into my account so I took no further action. Then their next blunder I changed Jobs in April 2006 and requested all my direct debits be moved from the 25th to the 1st of the month most companies I use took this via phone and sent me a confirmation letter in the post, some I had to pay an extra month due to the date moving backwards which I was quite happy to do and all was hunky dory until the 25th May when my HSBC Loan was taken 5 days before payday pushing me over my overdraft, I called HSBC to complain about this and they apologised, cancelled the charge & gave me a free temp overdraft extension free (I’ve worked in customer service I know how to get my own way). Fine I thought till the 25th of June when it happened again and the 25th of July when I got a similar result from the bank. When it happened again on the 25th of August my blood boiled so I went straight to customer services and explained what had happened and what did I need to do to stop a repeat of this, they called back within 10 minutes and explained that I needed to put it in writing, at no point in the previous 3 months in any one of the previous calls about this had I been told this. Now am I being nieve but it didn't make sense why would I need to write to HSBC bank to ask them to take money from my HSBC current account to pay my HSBC loan on a different date when all other external companies had been happy to do this by phone!!! Could this be a cover up for someones incompetance:confused: Finally in September this was resolved after much stress and time taken out of my working day to resolve this. The next problem I had started in Aug 06 when I purchased a car on my credit card this was late August. I had not used the card since clearing the balance in January with the above mentioned loan and previously had a direct debit for the minimum payment as I do with all my creditors so that I never miss a payment so didn’t worry as I was going to clear the balance upon selling my other car. I got a phone call late november on a Saturday afternoon from HSBC’s Indian call centre saying that I was 2 months in arrears and I needed to pay £184 immediately, I explained to the woman that I had a direct debit on this account and this couldn’t be possible, the caller basically ignored what I had said and again demanded the money that day so I explained it was coming up to Christmas & was unable to pay that amount in one go so would they take a £50 interim payment so it was registered as a missed payment this offer was refused blankly and the woman on the phone said the only way to stop any charges/problems was to pay the full amount which I couldn’t till the 1st of the Dec so could they hang on till then, this again was very bluntly refused so I said I’d go to the branch to sort out. I left this and paid on the 1st Dec when I got paid leaving me short for Xmas. I rang and asked if the direct debit could be re-instated and this was apparently done for me. I then received a call in January on my work phone by a very rude individual basically going through the same as above but with the worst customer service I have ever come across winding me to the point of raising my voice at my desk this phone call was ended “if you are refusing to pay Mr Brien then that is the end of the conversation” and put the phone down on me:-x . I was instantly back on the phone to complain about this my point being he shouldn’t talk over the customer, at least listen to why I couldn’t pay and try and make some sort of alternative arrangement (which I thought they were obligated to do but he refused) and if you are going to use the phrase “the worlds local bank” in your advertising the least you could do is use people local in origin to the customer when you are making sensitive calls about arrears as the clash in cultures had caused undue stress for both myself and no doubt their employee. Again I had to pay out £184 to aviod charges and a hit on my record leaving me short again that month. I then get yet another call in February saying that my payment hasn’t been taken yet again so I pay and am left short for the third time in 6 months but this time I asked what was going on and the caller could not explain why as the direct debit was set as active and was originally setup in June 2005. Due to being left short and a bill needing paying I went into the Bank London branch to ask for an extension on my overdraft by £350 which was to my total surprise refused so my only option was to borrow cash on my credit card at an extortionate rate which to me is daylight robbery. This is where I started to look into what could be done and came across Motley Fool & Consumer action Group Websites and followed there recommendation and got a credit report, much to my dismay I had a full 12 months of missed payments on my HSBC Loan ( stemming from complaint 1) and missed payments on my HSBC credit card (above) now everything fell into place as to why I was refused when I applied for an MBNA Credit card on 01/09/06 for a 0% APR rate to transfer my current balance whilst I sold my other car and then why they would not extend my overdraft making me borrow on my Credit card in March and again now in April. So basically I’ve been paying over £100 pcm in interest on 2 credit cards that should have been on the 0% card I applied for in Sept 06 and unable to transfer my current debt’s to better deals (could have dropped at least 2% APR off £23K in personal loan) due to HSBC mistakes. Basically I want to know where I stand for re-claiming charges and interest as they have left my near perfect credit score now below 900 due to administration errors on their part and the stress and sleepless nights it has put me through in the past 14 months. Not only this but I have been looking to find a better deal but have been unable due to this. I am also slightly suspicious as I currently re-claiming my bank charges due to the FSA ruling and have noticed how service etc has worsened since I sent this letter and from the CAG website have read plenty about the deviousness of banks. I have had my Credit history repaired for the missed payments on the HSBC loan but are still fighting for the correction for my HSBC credit card and until I get this sorted cannot move my money to better deals, can I reclaim the charges and the difference in APR??? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Many Thanks Graham
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