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Everything posted by ria72

  1. This advice is invaluable you are all fantastic I am much calmer thank you. I've sent an email to my MP as advised and one to the Council. I will send one by recorded mail also. I have also drafted a letter to Equita using one of your templates. I'm a newly qualifed teacher so I am now working, I phoned my union (NASUWT) and they said I'm entitled to 30 minutes free legal advice over the phone and they will phone me on Monday. Just thought I'd add that in if anyone else is in the same position as me. Thanks again I feel alot better now I have taken some action and got some info thanks to you this is disgraceful that these people can terrorise people like this . Once agin thank you.
  2. thanks so much for replying so quickly...I've had a little look on some of the threadds and all said 'DONT PHONE THE BAlIFFS' which unfortunately I already have. He said he will come around to my property with the police and a locksmith and remove my property, Do you know if he can do this...even if I find out there is a liability order? My kids saw how upset I was when i was on the phon trying to sort this out, we're really scared....
  3. I recieved a formal notice from Equita today despite informing them that I am waiting from a decision from the council as to whether I am liable to pay a council tax bill for a house that I used to live in 7 years ago. I only recieved initially notice to pay this bill in December 2009 as I moved from the property in 2004 amidst a difficult divorce. so this bill was for that period. I was informed in this letter (Dec 2009)that I had been taken to a magistrates court in 2005 (without my knowledge). I phoned the council informing them that my tnhen husbnd had alrerady left the property from May 2003 and I was not in paid employment at the time and was looking after my 2 children. the council advised me to send a letter in with any documentation to prove I was unemployed. I did this. After recieving more threating letters from Equita I phoned them asking them to put a note on my account explaining that I was waiting to hear from the council. The said they would do his but couldn't guarantee this would put off the baliff. I ran the council today who said they were not in any position to help because they couldn't access the system today because of the financial year end. they advised to re send the doocumentation as they have no record of it,and to reason with the baliffs to stall until Monday. The Baliff has given me until Monday 1pm to sort this mess out. I would be grateful for any advice for what I shoud do next please.I'm desparate:(
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