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  1. Hi Again, Thank you Infidel69 - your post is an inspiration to all of us newbies. Well done in not succumbing to the pressure - which can be an enormous strain and a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Having had about 8 months of hell from both my previous bank and now my current bank I am determined to be steadfast and claim back what is rightfully mine! Webbywitch
  2. Hi folks, I think I'm going with the standard letter in the Library. I don't want to jeopardise my success rate! I've just done the very very first thing and secured myself another bank account (Alliance & Leicester), just in case the Halifax decide to pull the plug on me - got to hedge my bets and cover my bases - so to speak. I am using the letter where I know the amount of interest they have charged me as I've only been with them for some 7 months, so it will be easy to suck those figures out of their statements. So, onward we go! Webbywitch
  3. Hi, My husband suggested I take a look here - and I can see why! Having just been stung £200 worth of bank charges in a matter of 5 days (a weeks worth of wages), I will be attempting to claim them back through this forum's tried and tested ways - as I'm hopeless dealing with this kind of stuff on the phone. Hopefully I will reap back my money and will have one more success story to add to the list, and hopefully help inspire others in their efforts to make their own claim. I will admit to being scared ****less at doing this - having spoken to someone at the bank (Halifax) this afternon to no avail - and becoming decidedly dumstruck and useless in countering their remarks. So watch this space - this little webbywitch is tired of the banks taking advantage of her good nature and is about to strike back!!! webbywitch!
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