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Everything posted by mannipatch

  1. Thanks a lot for your comments I have today printed out the letter from the faqs page and have sent it off, but I have to say I am a little nervous about the situation if they do not get back to me
  2. Hi I am also with the northern bank, I have today recieved my information incomplete under DPA. I requested for the six years but I am missing 4. Like jules I had receipt of my original letter quickly but my info was 3 days outside the 40 day period. The letter they sent me is the same for both accounts that I am claiming unlawfull bank charges for. I will type a little bit as I am sure you will get the same. Sections 7 and 8 data protection act 1998 In accordance with section 7 of the data protection act 1998 you have a right to your personal data on payment of the sum of £10.00, however section 8 of that act provides that the bank is only required to comply with such a request where it is possible to do so without disproportionate effort. Your request for the bank to disclose events and notes showing where manual intervention was required in relation to your banking business would not be readily available form our records and would clearly require a disproportionate effort on the part of the bank, however i can confirm that it would be normal bank practise for there to be manual intervention on each occurrence of unauthorised borrowing by a customer. The information which you request in relation to transactions and charges would already be available to you in the statements of your account previously furnished to you. Under your contract with the bank your are entitled to copies of these statements but any of these dating prior to april 2004 are not readily available to us and require very significant effort on the banks part to locate and produce,therefore there would be a cost of £6.00 per page for these in accordance with the banks fees and tariffs. i therefore enclose copy statements for the period 31 march 2004 to date as per your request. Now I have followed the guidelines here and typed of the 2nd dpa letter which gives them a further 7 days but my major problem is the info that they have sent me I cannot make head nor tail of it. I would be pleased to hear anyones comments and advise on this. thankyou
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