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  1. I have just filled my claim, I have also received an acknowledgement from the bank stating they wish to defend all of the claim. Guys does this mean I have a tough fight now to get my money back? has anyone got this kind of reply back from them? Or are they just waiting until the end of the month?
  2. Leaflet Campaign I am looking to organisie a ongoing leaflet campaign outside banks. If anyone knows any information about the legal implications then I would be greatfull for their posts... Please add your name to thred if you wish to participate and location in London. Best Regards Gurdeep Singh "Daylight Bank Robberey"
  3. In additon I have had massive problems trying to get through to the banks by telephone. This month they have kept me on hold for an average of 15 minutes before they relalize which dept is dealing with my claim. I was horrified when my home branch did not want to get involved, even when my account is registered there and they have been accepting my salary into the account for 5yrs. Any ideas if its better to make an online https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk ?
  4. I am another victim of bank crime on customers. I have got through to 2nd stage of claiming and the bank offered me £417.00 back. I have decided that this is a slap in the face and I want my money back, since the offer has been made I have been further charged £76.00, in addition the bank has increased my overdraft as they think it will help me in the short term. I really think this is absolutly carzy. Next Step now is that I wll be making a Small Claims, at the small claims court. Also are there any people willing to do a lealfleting campaign outside some banks? Lets get the banks morals in the right place.
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