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Everything posted by katemax

  1. can anyone help?we are in process of selling house and going into rented to clear debts,the chelsea building society are going to charge us £2900 because we are finishing before the 3 year period is up.the period is up december so for the sake of settling 3 months early we are bieng charged £2900,this seems like robbery and over excessive at the least!is it lawful?is there anything we can do,how can they justify such a charge?any help would be gratefully recieved.we would wait till dec but we may loose our buyer and we need the money asap:eek:
  2. hi all, myself and my wife are both in he process of setting up paracute accounts to claim our charges,however we are waiting for our house move in august first,(were going back into rented).which leads me to my question,the early penalty time for my mortgage early settlement is in december.however i have a buyer and it a looks as it will go threw sometime in august.the chelsea building society have told me that the fixed charge for early settlement is£2900.to me this seems excessive,unfair daylight robery.nearly 3 grand charge for 3 months early?is this lawful?can i do anything about it?kind regards rob and kate
  3. thanks for introduction by blueskies,just need to get the ball rolling now and try and claim some of the £450 plus,which abbey have stung us in unavoidable charges,regards rob
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