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Everything posted by lz57s9

  1. Has anything come of this i am really interested in this subject.
  2. I am looking for some help to see if I have an argument against Vanquis bank. I had an account several years ago with Vanquis, but was unable to pay it and stuck my head in the sand!. I owed them £200 and had almost forgotten about it, when whilst checking my credit file with Equifax noticed they suddenly posted my details with a 0 against payment history. I got in contact with immediately to provide my new address and details of where I sent payments. I started receiving statements from them asking me to pay a min of £10. So for 3 months I did this. Then I missed a couple of month (I have no excuse) so my credit file reported 0 0 0 0 1 2, again I contacted them and said I wanted to pay this debt of over 4 months rather than £10 each month. So I paid 4 lots of £40 over the next 4 months and closed the account. During this time they registered 0 0 0 0 1 2 AP AP AP AP and is now marked settled. I feel this is unfair as AP (Arrangement to Pay) is seen as a failure to pay on time, despite my so called agreement being higher that they originally asked for. I questioned this via Equifax and as they had not relieved a response from Vanquis, removed it from my account. Making my credit score jump from 243 to 416 (out of 500). This was great until Vanquis did reply and told Equifax this is correct and they restored it. I have spoke to Vanquis over the phone (took me 3 days with lots of unfulfilled call back promises) to speak to someone who was very rude saying, that's what you get for not paying us! and you are lucky we don't put a default on you!. ha the cheek!. So my question is do I have case for them to correct this info? I will accept the 1 and 2 mark but after that it should have been 0's until cleared?. I have read about companies having to remove my data once my contract has ended with them, is that also valid for this instance.
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