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Everything posted by RPD

  1. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Ok I am coming up to the two week deadline I set when I sent my LBA. The deadline is up on Wednesday. This is the part I have been dreading though, I was hoping they would have offered me more than 500 pounds or paid up by now. So what have I got to do next? Make a claim online? I have read the step by step and was just wondering if there are any other hints you could give. Thanks.
  2. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Thanks alot, I'll keep you posted.
  3. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Thanks for the quick replies guys. I have my LBA all ready to be posted, but I got this letter this morning. So I need to find the template for accepting the offer but continuing with the rest of the claim? As I can only see this one.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/25716-rejection-settlement-offer.html For sending after I have sent my LBA and mentions it. Shall I just leave off the end paragraph? Will I get the 500 and then carry on claiming for the other 600 or will they not pay me the 500 if I say I want it all? Also how long should I give them to respond? Sorry for all the questions, it's just getting a bit confusing for me now. I will definitely donate a percentage to the site.
  4. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Hmm, I got a two page letter today, on the deadline, offering me Five hundered quid! Cheeky git's that not even half. Basically in this letter they say they don't agree with the letter I sent. They say it's in their terms and conditions and all in line with the banking code. I have eight weeks to accept or case closed. I can type out the full letter if that helps? What should I do now? Carry on with the LBA? or shall I ring them? Thanks for any help.
  5. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    The 28th of this month mate, tomorow... I am preparing my LBA letter now.
  6. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Still heard nothing.....
  7. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    OK, so I received this letter today.. Is it just a case of waiting now, or should I ring them up? Thanks for any advice.
  8. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Ah ok, thanks. Final question for now, do I send it to the same address as before? Leicester?
  9. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Yeah, thanks alot mate. I have changed Banks recently, I shall do it with them.
  10. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Thanks. Another Question, in the Step by Step it says this, But the actual prelim template it says this, I take it that means I add 8% of 1,015 in the letter, but leave it off the schedule for now?
  11. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Got it, cheers Mum So I will send my preliminary approach letter next. I will post in here what happens next. Thanks.
  12. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Ok so I received my statements today, along with this letter and my cheque for ten pounds. So I went through all my statements with a highlighter and marked all of the charges. They came to £1015.00 in six years, I had thought it would be more atually. What is my next step? Sorry for being a noob, I have read all the stickies etc. etc. but I would like someone to confirm what I should do next, or at least point me to the right thread. Thanks for any help, it will be appreciated.
  13. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Once again, thankyou all. I will get that sent off asap. I will report back in forty days I shudder to think how much it will be.
  14. RPD

    Sick of Barclays

    Thanks for the help you guys. I am a little bemused by all of the sections though. Claire, I can find the data protection letter you mentioned, but I couldn't find where to send it to. I will continue to read the topics. Thanks again.
  15. Hey, I am a total noob to all of this, and haven't even got a clue where to begin. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Basically I am getting the maximum charges (3) per month from Barclays. This has been happening for about two years. Granted, it is my fault, as I keep 'creeping' over my poxy five pound "buffer zone". Like for example I went one penny, yes ONE pence over yesterday, I got paid today, and I am Another thirty bun down. But it is mainly Direct Debit's that are coming out that I miscalculated, and they are taking me over by a few pounds even pence, and BAM, another thirty gone. Which leaves me short, and another charge becomes inevitable. I have rang them numerous times, and I am just getting sick of it. I am in the process of changing my banks, but a friend told me about this website. Do you guys think I can really get some of the money back, or am I floggng a dead horse? Thanks for any advice.
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