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Everything posted by Clunderpants

  1. Hi! Just wanted to say that i got into a bad situation with HSBC last year. Would like to FIGHT for the money they charged me. Ended up with overdraft, loan, frozen account ......the WORKS! Would love some guidance if you are one or two steps ahead of me. I would appreciate it. Good luck. Thanks,Catherine
  2. Thanks for that quick reply! Just been exploring. I USED to be with HSBC. Would i still be able to claim back charges off them. I got into a bad situation with them last year....huge overdraft, 15,000 loan. Account was frozen. Now i pay a collections agency. Could HSBC still pay me back charges? I blame the charges for getting me into a bad financial situation!
  3. Finding this site confusing. What do i do?
  4. Hi! My brother just told me about this brill place as my financial situation is terrible at the minute. I am 30, 2 kids and work as a teacher. Decent wage but got more bills going out than money coming in! HSBC charges are crippling me and I have turned to a debt management company. Not sure if this is the right thing to do! Nice to see other people in my situation. Catherine
  5. Fantastic news! Lucky you. Not got any advice but i am impressed. I am in the **** with HSBC at the minute so wish me luck! Catherine.
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