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Everything posted by Weecutie

  1. Hi there, i'm in the same position regarding cabot financial. Does that mean after the 30 days have passed that they cannot claim back the debt at all, and would i have to do anything after this time?
  2. Hi i have three accounts with the bank of scotland, 1 x student, 1 x mastercard and my current account. As the payments of interest and the charges were too high for me to repay, my student account and mastercard have been sold on to not one but three different debt collection companies, all asking for different amounts on the same account? How do i go about claiming back money if the accounts have been sold on? Bos also recently took nearly 300 from my current account without my knowledge. My statement didnt say where the money was going, all it it said was cash, which started off with a 20 payment and gradually got higher untill i realised something was up and confronted the bank. They told me they took the money as payment towards my mastercard but i'm still getting letters from these other companies asking for the original amount. I thought it was illegal for someone to take funds from your account without knowledge or consent, can they do this? Also this was benefit money as i am expecting my first baby on 21st July and had put the money i'd saved into my current account to buy a pram, which after they took this money i couldnt afford. Sorry to go on but i just dont know where to start and am finding it really hard to deal with all the phonecalls and letters that i am recieving everyday. If anyone can help me or give some pointers it would be greatly appreciated. Heather x
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