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Everything posted by comaci

  1. sorry i have no idea i am proceding with my claim through the BoS as that was where my account wa based and as far ans i'm conscered is still based.
  2. yet another update: telephone call from the customer services dept of the HBoS offered £200. witch was politley refused, with the explanaition that the HBoS owed £1775 not £200, the offer was improved on to give me back the last 6 month worth of charges, totaling £750 again i politley refused stating that this was £1025 short of what was owed (and if this was reversed i would not be getting such a leniant treatment or let off with £1025 in money owed the bank) but would be taken as a part payment with the rest to follow. The lady (Elaine Brown) said that this would be a one off payment to settle the debt. so i stated that the 14 day period for full repayment before further action ended on the 30th of this month (Aug) the HBoS have till then to pay in full or face further action. Elaine said they would be sending out a leaflet in the next few days. the sorry continues in 7 days time...
  3. just an update here third letter posted (letter before action) 14 day away from moving in to the court stage of this process. and all i got was a crumby letter stating they pass it on to there complaints department. well lets see what happens now. most likely nothing or pay off offer. but i'll keep you up to date.
  4. my advice is phone your or go personally to you branch and politly demand these be print for you now, as you have waited quire long enough, the request and the £5 charge will be on your accounr details so there have no come back. though they may stat that they can only print about 2 years worth from there teminals in branch and must ask for further year to be done with in the 5-10 working days period. bur since your not going back all that far they should be able to print this off for you then and there. hope that helps
  5. hi, update on the 5th aug gor a letter from the bank telling me they will look into my clame. Question does the 14 dyas in the letter mean 14 working days or 14 days? just so i'm clear on when to send the second letter. thanks for help in advance andy
  6. first of all i'm no expert i'm following the step by step myself but read the FAQ on this forum it will have a lot of your answers but look at this link also it has you step by step guide to claiming you money back. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/243-step-step-instructions.html tip: follow the steps and there is little that can go wrong dont rush. dont give them an excuse to keep YOUR money. hope that helps;)
  7. also starting the ball rollong on my second account with the faceless evil of Charges
  8. well the letter asking for my £1800 was posted today. let battle be joined )
  9. slight error in my original adding up they owe me £1800, glad my wife checked. good luck to use all and have at them...
  10. hi suzi, i've yet to work out the intrest but the charges them selves come too £1,400. so am having to do small claimes twice to get the full amount back if the bos dont cough up before court a hassle but worth it in the end good luck in your claim andrew
  11. hi, just putting my self on the list of go get me my money have almost completed the first stafge as in requesting 6 years worth of statments, after 15 days i get the first 4 years to fing that 6 months from each year is missing (jan, feb, apr, may, jul, aug, oct and nov of every year) and from 04 onwars is not even been printed, after a polite but firm phone call, in witch i stated i'm paying for this get it sorted. i receve the rest in under 5 days wow. just amened the letter and have listed the charges anf total amount i'm claiming back. so here we go stage one. andrew
  12. congratulations on getting the money back just starting the process myself.
  13. hi, have been with my bank since i was a kid, and have had money problems recintly hence getting nice letters from you bank telling you have money flow problem please correct this oh and by the way were charging you to add to your woe. so it time to get this back from the bank to hom i've been sutch a loyal customer. comaci
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