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  1. they have all my license details they had them from the start, the signature was missing that was all, that was stopping me from booking the course.
  2. Its pretty crappy to not have to decency to say they had received it but it was missing a signature law or not.
  3. it seems they can do what they like then. I contacted them before the date was due for the course, I explained i was trying to book and it would not let me, I just find it frustrating they can revoke the offer because of the times it has taken them to respond, they issued another form which i sent back but due to the timing of everything it went over. They should have the decency to review the situation, I understand it was not signed but they still had all the information to see I had sent the details. Thank you for the reply.
  4. Good Morning, I received a speeding ticket last December, I had requested further information from the ticket office which they provided, I also sent back the form confirming i was the diver at the time, however, i had overlooked the signature at the bottom of the page, nobody from the ticket office got back in touch to mention this and i was trying to book a course with no luck, I got in touch with them and sent them a screenshot showing them I was unable to book the course, they came came back to me and said we have no documents to say you were the driver (they did they just failed to mention I never signed it) they re sent the form and it was over the 120 days, i had mentioned to them previously that the timeframe was coming up and they would need to extend this. They are now saying they have complied legally and i need to accept the 3 points, I am trying to plead my case and I am tempted to let this go to court and provide the evidence of my constant communication on the matter. has anyone got any experience with this? TIA.
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