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Everything posted by NK2020

  1. Trying to upload a photo of the letter it doesn't seem to be allowing me to any ideas how I can upload fornyou to see/ review?
  2. Any chance it could go to the police? I'm terrified they will pass the details across given it was groceries from 2 different shops Should I be expecting one of those RPL letters he didnt mention it but i presume its the next step they take?
  3. What would they do with the mns goods would they not give it back given the store is down the road?
  4. Totally stupid mistake struggling with money with 2 young kids no excuses so I won't bother justifying just feeling deep regret and absolute fear for what happens next. Sincere moments of madness opportunistic and absolutely stupid Caught shoplifting from Sainsbury's by shop lifting plain clothed detective (peanut butter almond milk chia seeds and nuts ) I only took 3 to 4 items from Sainsbury's listed above First time I did it i have never done it before Was given a letter banning me took details but no photo taken I also had on me food items from mns that the store detianed at the same time as they wouldn't let me leave without showing a receipt as they said I would have stole those too (they werent wrong) . I have been to mns a few times in the last month and done a similar thing always general food shop I left the Sainsbury's store when he let me go and left all the goods there mns.and sainsburies and did not return. M&s and Sainsbury's are on the same high street Questions Was not caught by m&s will Sainsbury's share my info and will m&s be in touch? Presume they can check cctv of the time sainsburies detained me and probably find it No police called when at Sainsbury's Scared that mns will also ban me after the event or worse check cctv and have my details and pass to police to investigate I am mortified at what I've done the detective did not mention anything about further letters / police or anything more other than taking my details and giving me a banning letter My fear is they have told MNS and now MNS will investigate aswell they may have their own footage etc...and go further than sainsburies did at that time Mns goods was fruit veg chicken cheese all food items Advise please what could I be facing
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