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Everything posted by WarriorRage

  1. Ok cease and desist stuff removed. Ready to send tomorrow but i will keep an eye out for any further comments . Is now an appropriate time to maybe do a SAR with Excel given i didn't keep some of the earlier notices they sent me and by passing my personal data to DCBL in a case they know they have 0% chance of success is clearly a breach of the GDPR?
  2. I am now in receipt of a second Letter of Claim this time from DCBL although their letter head now says " DCBLegal" Now I'm guessing one response to a letter of claim is sufficient and I could ignore this but having been inspired by other snotty letters I wanted to have another bash at one. How does this sound? Dear Lackeys of Company with Unconscionable Morals, Thank you ever so much for gracing me with yet another Letter Before Claim on behalf of Excel Parking Services. How many of these delightful missives do you plan on sending before you muster the courage to follow through on your threats to take me to court? Just so we're clear, here is the response (in italics by that I mean the slanted text below) I previously sent to Excel’s Letter Before Claim, in case your attention to detail is as lacking as I suspect: I am currently 2-0 up in terms of Small Claims Court proceedings and I look forward to the opportunity to claim a hat trick, this case being more straightforward than my previous two. I will be asking the court for an unreasonable costs order under CPR 27.14(2)(g) due to your conduct over this absurd claim. Despite my best efforts, you continue to assert that I have breached your terms. However, I cannot breach terms that I was not present to accept. Have you even read my initial response? I suggest you review it thoroughly and save yourself some money. Additionally, please refer to section 13 of the IPC Code of Practice, 2023 edition. I eagerly await your deafening silence. Remarkably, I haven't heard a peep from Excel since my response; instead, they've passed the baton to you to perform this tiresome routine once more. Consider this my official notice that I am sending a cease and desist letter to Excel Parking Services. Their relentless hounding has crossed the line into clear harassment. Any further demands for payment from you, as Excel's lackeys, will be regarded as nothing more than shameless acts of intimidation and harassment. I now look forward to the deafening sound of your silence. Yours sincerely,
  3. Sorry only just seen the message above. I think there have always been restrictions but they have as i understand chopped and changed it. For years it was 2 hours then I think they moved it to 3 hours and now it looks like they have reverted to 2. 2 hours is woefully insufficient if you are visiting several establishments on the site and then finishing with a Maccys. Even more so when you consider how hard it is to access and egress on a Saturday or Sunday morning as the car park is not big enough so you a frequently waiting for a space to appear and then queuing to get out. i have now received a letter from DCBL (Direct Collection Bailiffs Ltd). saying the same thing as Excel were saying i.e pay £170 or we will recommend Excel to take me to court. The fact i have instructed them several times just to take me to court makes me believe they have no intention of taking me to court - they just think now asking another bully to shake me down will work....... I can post the letter if you want me to but Im guessing the advice is to just ignore?
  4. Amazing. Thanks. Do I just send the letter or should I return their forms as well even if incomplete. I'm certainly not sharing my I& E!
  5. Snotty Letter Draft 1: Thank you for your Letter Before Claim I am 2-0 up in terms of Small Claim Court Proceedings so I look forward to the opportunity to claim a Hat Trick, this being more straight forward than my previous two cases. Thank you for also agreeing to the terms of my previous letter and please find enclosed my invoice for £50 which should be paid by cheque within 28 days of this letter. I will be asking the court to consider the time I spend defending this absurd claim in line with the fees you have already agreed to. Despite my best endeavours you still are of the belief I have breached your terms. I cannot breach terms that I was not present to accept. Did you even read my initial response? Maybe have another read and save yourself some money. I look forward to your solicitor trying to settle with me in the waiting area before we go into the chambers. I will have my final invoice ready for them less any payments you have already made. Yours faithfully Xxxxxxxx Enc – Invoice for processing of Letter Before Claim
  6. Thanks all. If I out the driver Id still be the one dealing with it and paying any fines I've defended myself successfully in a smalls claims court before with a 3rd party car insurance company I don't mind going all they way . LBC attached. Ill get working on the snotty letter and post shortly. Thanks again 2024-03-21 Excel PAPLOC.pdf
  7. I was pointed in the direction of this site I have a Letter before claim. Ive flown solo aside from my own efforts on Google and would have thought they would have gone away by now but still they come. Hope you can help in any final response I give to the LBC. I think I've followed the instructions correctly. Should I also attach the LBC? TIA 1 Date of the infringement 26/11/2023 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Unsure as disposed of it although it was within a few days 3 Date received Was within a few days 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] Dont recall 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes on entry and exit 13 minutes over the "permitted time". The photos show driving in and out. This is a busy car park and it can take 10-15 minutes to find a spot and exit 6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] Yes principle argument was I wasnt the driver. The driver was not happy for me to share their personal data however they were happy and i did submit bank statement showing the driver was a legitimate customer of 3 of the retailers at the retail park. The appeal was submitted on their website I dont have a copy other than their response to it (included in bundle) Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up Rejected 7 Who is the parking company? Excel Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Gallagher retail park, Huddersfield, HD5 0AN For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. IAS - I didnt appeal any further although did write to them again with another template I found (cant recall from where - it could have been from here) as attached Comms in-out.pdf
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