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Everything posted by loothapub

  1. In October 2011 I bought a DVR CCTV Unit (nearly £500). Recently the unit became faulted and so it was returned under warranty. It was repaired under the warranty and sent back to me. However when I received it back it was damaged. The damage was caused due to the technician failing to attach the substantial power unit to the casing. This in turn caused further damage to the circuit boards etc within the unit. I know the technician did not attach it because the screws are still in the power unit to attach it to the casing. (probably screwed into the power unit on dismantling to save losing what are small screws). Anyway I contacted the company who arranged to pick up the unit via a courier the next day. When I contacted them today they stated that they will repair the unit. I have told them I am not happy with this as clearly this is due to negligence on their part (which they accept) and that I should be provided with a new replacement unit or equivalent. If I do accept a repair and the goods then become faulty outside of the warranty then I will not be covered. My argument is that this is not a warranty repair and the goods have been damaged by their negligence and therefore they should replace the unit. I escalated the complaint to the Managing Director who is supposed to be ringing me back. Im not holding my breath. Can anyone assist ?
  2. I have a negative equity situation with the car so was going to hand it back. It is a personal loan and the paperwork has the vehicle details on it ? There is no mention of it being an HP agreement and speaking to them they state that although it isnt an HP agreement I cant sell the car without paying off the finance as it is registered with HPI. Finnily enough they offered to put me through to there proper personal loan department to change it over which I dont want to do. Seems like Im stuck
  3. I guess no one know the answer then - at a loss as to how to proceed with this ?
  4. Unfortunately I dont have any proof that the contract was changed to a 12 month contract - thats the problem I have. But I havent had any bills, correspondence or default notices issued either ?
  5. Im not entirely sure the circumstances outlined in the thread you list will apply to me ? My contention is that I had a 12 month contract whereas O2 state I had an 18 month contract. This is a dispute and O2 state that they do not have anything recorded in my favour !!!!!! I have not received any letters, bills etc since the 12 month contract would of been terminated Oct 2007 and in addition you would think that if the debt did exist legitimately then O2 would of passed it to a debt collection agency such as the one mentioned Wescot - again no correspondence from them at all. As I said earlier O2 Customer Review Team have now closed the account and zeroed the balance but the default still remains ! Do I go along the lines of the normal 28 days request for the default notice ? or where do I start with this to get it removed ?
  6. I have 11 contracts with O2 in both business and personal. In Oct 2006 I took out a 18 month O2 contract but then reduced to 12 months within the 12 day cooling off period. The contract ran until what I thought was its conclusion 12 months later when funnily enough the bills stopped also, I didnt think anything more of it until in March this year I obtained a copy of my Credit report from Experian which showed a £476 default on this account. Since then I have communicated by phone by email by fax etc etc with all copies kept in an attempt to get this default removed and the situation rectified. O2 state tey haveno record of me changing it back to a 12 month contract and state therefore I am being charged for the extra 6 months. Yesterday I received a call from the O2 Customer Review team stating that they would not remove the default however would credit the account so the balance would be nil as a goodwill gesture ?? I have in previous correspondend dated 17th June 2008 requested a copy of the default notice as I never received any correspondence at all from them after the 12 months of the contract including any bills for a so called 18 month contract. The phone itself was not used for a considerable time before the 12 month contract would of ended. Obviously this default on my Credit File means I cannot do anything financially. Any advice or help would be appreciated
  7. How did you get on ? - I have a similar problem now Thanks
  8. I currently have a Black Horse agreement loan agreement which is lodged on my motor vehicle. This I thought was an HP agreement until now when I went to various garages to trade it in it said it was a Personal Loan. However the personal loan is lodged on mt vehicle ??????? Is this legal ?? The reason I ask is that the garage suggested that I handed the car back to Black Horse on the basis I had completed wel over half the payment and this would alleviate a negative equity problem I have withe car. It wasn't until I contacted Black Horse they said it wasnt an HP agreement but a Personal Loan. I dont think this is legal at all - has anyone else had similar problems or experiences ? Firsly, I believe that they would not be allowed to register their interest on HPI as they have and will never be able to prove 'interest' in the car. If they say that they do have an interest, then surely this turns the agreement into a conditional sale or hire purchase agreement. Secondly, the terms and conditions stating that they have a right to get their money back if you sell the car or dmage it may be an unfair contractual term ? Anyone help ?
  9. Im owed including the interest over £2000 (£800 of which from just the last few weeks in a dispute in my bank) When I sent the first letter they wrote back and offered £320 which I replied stating I would not accept this. They subsequently wrote back and offered £955 again I refused this. Today I received a letter stating they would not pay the charges requested. What is my next course of action ? Money Claim online ? What do I do next ? Its the Halifax PLC
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