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  1. The neighbour is unreasonable he has been asked time and time again. He does it on purpose. My deeds say I have right of way in common across the land to my home, his are the same. He has plenty of parking on his land but parks over mine affecting me getting off my drive and he's doing it in my opinion on purpose. The land is owned by someone else, the landowners don't care. If he was in anyway a reasonable person he would not do. Therefore I have only one option but to go legal. I was wondering if in fact it was the landowners responsibility in the way that they own the land I have to cross and its blocked by my neighbour.
  2. Hi yes I would get a solicitor to deal with that one so it's done professionally. Is the landowner not responsible in some way since he owns the land and its his land that I have the right to cross that's being interfered with by my neighbour.
  3. I own my home. My neighbour owns his home we both have a right of way to access our homes. My neighbour keeps blocking my drive. I contacted the landowner of the road, they don't care, they said its not their problem. They own the road so the council won't get involved. Landowners told me to sort it out with him. I tried that, he's totally unreasonable and that's putting it mild. Any advice as I would have thought it was the person who owned the land. No one is allowed to park in the road owned by landowners yet he's hanging over my drive on the road on purpose.
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