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  1. It's not David Lloyd, no - its just an independent gym that provides gym services for my office building, which is occupied by a dozen or so companies. I have sent them an email but have not written a letter or anything, no.
  2. Hi everyone. I signed up for my office gym 20 days ago, and quickly decided that it wasn't sufficient for my needs. I continued to use it for another two weeks whilst I found another suitable gym. I then emailed them yesterday to cancel, only to be informed that there is a minimum 6 month membership period - if I knew this to begin with I never would've signed up. I checked the sign up process again, and that particular detail is hidden in a downloadable T&Cs pdf. I understand that I ticked the box saying that I read them, but like 90% of people I don't have the time to read a 2000 word document when I just want to lift some weights. I don't know if it would make a difference, but I'm paying monthly by paypal, not by an actual direct debit. Have I got a leg to stand on here?
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