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  1. I've had the correct answers from a specialised solicitor now, thanks. I have a plan in place. This matter is now resolved.
  2. Ok. Thanks for your help. I have the answers I need now and the matter is resolved.
  3. It's illegal to use a mobile phone to record me in my private back garden and this instance it constitutes harrassment. I would like this thread closed now. Thank you all for your help.
  4. Yes to all your questions. They are doing it to harass and it is motivated by hate. Pointing mobile at me and filming in my garden from my garden through their fence line to harass. Yes it is a police issue as I have already described criminal activity. I know that already. Question is, Is it correct that they do not have to show proof of ownership to police as we have done? For example you have someone come into your house. You call the police to remove them. They tell the police they own your house. The police ask you for proof of ownership and you show them your deeds and proof. Then they claim the trespasser doesn't have to show proof of ownership and instead take their word that the house belongs to him or is in dispute.
  5. I've done that already. My deeds are HM Land registry stamped as is the root conveyance with measurements to the inch measured against another plot of land. There has been no change in boundary or neighbours for over 40 yrs. Their plans are only general. The neighbours do not have deeds with exact measurements on. HM Land registry has less accurate deeds showing general boundaries only. Just for clarity - this is my question: " The police are telling me that this neighbour has not provided evidence that he owns part of our garden but say he does not have to and the mere verbal claim that this is his garden is enough for them not to act. Can this be correct?" We require police action to stop the insidious harassment, for protection and privacy in our own garden from this unwanted intrusion several hours a week causing harassment, alarm and distress.
  6. I have severe problems from new neighbours which is motivated by hate. It has included stalking, malicious complaints, hate crime, verbal abuse, dumping rubbish in my garden to harass. I have the exact measurements in my root conveyance for my land and have shown the police. It is rare to have such clear measurements and I think the neighbours were not banking on us having these, but it seems to have made no difference to putting a stop to the behaviour. They are creating a situation to harass us further to go beyond their fence line, trespass into my garden and even film me in my garden with the mobile phone. They built a door into their fence line, finished the fence line off with plastic sheeting to pop through at will. They left the other end with a gap in it. There has never been any adverse possession claim and there can not be since their garden had been derelict for over 12 years anyway. The police are telling me that this neighbour has not provided evidence that he owns part of our garden but say he does not have to and the mere verbal claim that this is his garden is enough for them not to act. Can this be correct?
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