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Everything posted by Andromedam

  1. Thanks dx100uk. They have never sent a bill before because we was on pay as you go we never had any bills at all. We paid for our gas and elec via top ups in Asda or on the app with my debit card . The bill they are saying on a letter states between 2019 and 2020. I don't know how we could have a bill when we were on a pre paid meter.
  2. I have recently moved homes 8 months ago. I was paying for my gas and electric on a pay as you go smart meter . I was at this home for 5 years and SSE has said I owe 200 pound for gas used in the middle of my tenancy even though when I left the home my meters was in credit. They have now sent letters from LSC. My new home is being paid by direct debit and with British gas. What can SSE be on about saying I owe money even though I was on pay as you go. They are also asking the same of the new tenant in my old home . Many thanks
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