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Everything posted by Jigglypuffs

  1. My loan is a personal loan would this likely to be covered under the federal rule you have listed? “Usually” how would I find out for sure? if it is the case that IDR quite often win why would the advice always be ignore, if it is based on a numbers game there’s going to be some that ignore and potentially paying costs above and beyond. I had read some time ago to write back to them to provide proof of debt and quite often nothing comes back or if it does perhaps shows original debt without the interest / original agreement to understand if this claimable under UK law. I have also read somewhere under UAE law if you had already paid more than original sum borrowed then the case couldn’t be pursued. Is this actually the case and could this then be used?
  2. I left Dubai early 2013 having outstanding salary of around 7 months and 7 years of gratuity which was supposedly to be paid into my NBD account which easily covered the debt I had with them. Needless to say this didn’t happen even though the chairman of the company was a multi millionaire and major share holder in NBD. Now being stated as owing around 60k AED I’m sure there’s plenty of interest added onto that..
  3. HI Dx Yes noted and thanks for the response. This seems to be a new approach from IDR and now they’re so called IDR legal. Have read through most posts here and followed what has been advised ignore and write to the bank (NBD) to advise address etc. will see what their next move is and will update accordingly..
  4. Hi All, Hope you don’t mind me crashing the conversation! Also have been following posts for years as have IDR sending letters then they stop and start again. Now receiving letters from “IDR legal” and weekly texts always in full capitals. At the one week mark as per their letter from the 14th Feb before they serve a SD. Wondering if anyone has gone past this mark and they actually followed through with a SD? see a lot of links of what to do if a SD is served but they always seem to be removed or out of date. Never able to see anyone’s posts if anything ever goes any further or if anyone has actually been to court and failed or succeeded against IDR, Any updates additional info would be great.. Have been following posts for years as have IDR sending letters then they stop and start again. Now receiving letters from “IDR legal” and weekly texts always in full capitals. At the one week mark as per their letter from the 14th Feb before they serve a SD. Wondering if anyone has gone past this mark and they actually followed through with a SD? see a lot of links of what to do if a SD is served but they always seem to be removed or out of date. Never able to see anyone’s posts if anything ever goes any further or if anyone has actually been to court and failed or succeeded against IDR, Any updates additional info would be great..
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