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  1. @KingsParent thank you for sharing your experience. I also tried contacting the CEO but didn’t get very far. Do you mind sharing his contact details? kind regards
  2. no, haven’t received any correspondence as of yet. Still waiting on a court date but seems to be taking forever. Have noticed an increase in unhappy customers on here
  3. i am still waiting for a court date. Yes, they are also asking for payment although my daughter was denied access, etc. My ex-partner was responsible for making payments, they acknowledged this but unfortunately, I signed the dreaded contract. I was open and transparent about my financial situation and explained that I simply couldn't afford it , putting aside that I was also unhappy with the level of teaching, technical problems, and lack of communication
  4. sorry to hear about the passing of your husband. Despicable how this organisation works, they truly have no morals and only care about money. I am still waiting to be notified of my court date but will keep you updated and go from there. All the best
  5. Hi Leema316, sorry to hear you are also facing challenges. I am still waiting for a court date but will keep you posted. Looks like we need to set up a page for unhappy customers!! Regards Sophie
  6. Hi, just received this today. Is it normal procedure for them to transfer to court? As I couldn't make the mediation call? Thank you N271 - transfer to medway for allocation.pdf
  7. Good afternoon, I've just received this letter today 4th December 2023. It states in the letter that I have to reply no later than 4 days before the appointment. I am unable to make this date as I've picked up extra shifts at work and won't finish until 7 pm on this day. Should I not have received the letter sooner, can I argue this? Thank you in advance 2023-11-29 mediation app.pdf
  8. Apologies for the delay in replying. I spoke to the receptionist at Medway court on the18th August. He said that a letter had been posted in regard to it being moved over to moneyclaim. I still haven’t received anything
  9. Hi all, I still haven't received any correspondence & unsure as to what is going on. When I spoke to the receptionist at Medway Court he advised that a letter had been posted, I should have received that by now
  10. I have just got back from the post office. I sent the paperwork to the court only. Should I have also sent one to the claimant? Just reading through the MoneyClaim centre county court and came across this; *You must file an N215 Certificate of Service with the court within 14 days of the claim being issued. The certificate of service confirms to the court that you have sent the documents to the defendant. The certificate can be filed by post or preferably by email to [email protected]. Include the claim number in the subject line of the email. The second page of the N215 explains how to calculate the ‘date of service’. If the date of service is different to that of the claim form, then you should consider the later date to be the date of service for the claim. For further information see civil procedure rule 7E.6.The court does not require copies of the additional documentation you wish to serve upon the defendant at this time. Does this not mean that I should have been notified sooner that they have moved it to MoneyClaim centre?
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