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  1. Yeah haha I had to do my drivers license literally last week, had completely forgot. Thanks DX, that's great if they are powerless, but will they ever stop sending letters? I've gotten two just in the last month.
  2. I returned two pairs of shoes that I bought from Adidas over a year ago. One of the shoes was £250, the other was £180 (yes I know, I was young and wasting the money I was earning at my part time teenage job). I thought the shoes were too expensive for the poor quality that I received so I decided to return them. I returned the £250 pair of shoes and it was perfectly fine, got refunded, no issues. For the pair which cost £180, I thought I had returned it, but I had mistakenly sent the wrong parcel, thinking it was the shoes. Adidas therefore informed me that I had sent the wrong parcel and didn't refund me for it, which I had no issue with in the end, because it was my mistake. I missed the 14-day returns window for the shoe and decided to keep it. Fast forward a year later, I have moved house and gone back to the old house to discover that DWF have been sending me letters for the last 8 weeks saying that I owe Adidas £430 (£250 + £180, I presume). They're saying that I have to pay or that they will take further action and all this stuff. Whats confusing me is that, one of the pairs of shoes, I was never even refunded for (as I said, I sent the wrong parcel), so why would I owe money to anybody? The £250 pair I sent back and was refunded for accordingly. I have a few questions about this situation: I presume everyone on here will tell me to ignore but I was slightly more worried because £430 is a lot more than the amounts I have seen on here, so I was wondering what I should do in this scenario for such a large amount? Can they take me to court? Is it true that these kinds of things can eventually affect my credit rating? DWF have said on their letters that they can affect my credit score? And lastly, if I do continue to ignore them as people frequently say, are they just going to send me letters forever and ever and ever? Forgot to also mention that as I said I have moved house, so I don't actually see any of their letters. I only saw these as I had to collect my credit card which got sent to my old house. Do I need to get the mail forwarded to this house or do I continue to ignore it and leave the letters? I just don't want a bad credit score or to go to court for the love of God.
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