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  1. I have been contacted by a company called Capquest, who state in their letters that they bought the debt off M&S. I had been paying M&S £20 a month up until this. Capquest originally sent a letter to my Ex husband, my previous address, and he gave them my home and private mobile number. I set up a direct debit with them in March and they sent me the direct debit agreement that this would commence on April 4th for £60, and monthly there after. I received a call from them at end of march asking for an immediate payment or else, and I pointed out that a DD was in place. Now I have recieved a letter to contact them immediatlely as that the DD set up for the 10th ?? was cancelled and payment is required in full. My bank says no DD was set up let alone cancelled. I'm having daily calls to mobile and home phone, which I am ignoring. They had told me that they had removed my numbers from their system as i had asked for written contact alone.
  2. Can't Believe it. Opened my post to find that First Direct are offering to settle at this stage, even including charges to be added this month. I've read and reread the letter and it's there in Black and White. I've got 10 days to reply.
  3. I luckily had all my statements since opening the account - the customer services know all my details regarding pending divorce and subsequent stress but all has fallen on deaf ears. Have read and re read everything and have followed the guides - letter template for initial letter obtained from this site. Will wait for their reaction - and go from there. I have tentatively opened another account in anticipation of being thrown out of bank:!:
  4. I have sent my first letter to first direct today. Have had no problems with account until this year, following marriage break up. Have been open and honest with FD throughout, they've refused to increase my overdraft of £500, and since January, 1 breach of my limit has had knock on effect pushing me over limit 5 of the last 10 months - which has caused more problems. I have given up and reached end of my tether. My claim is for £1172.00 which is total of all the charges incurred. I haven't had any luck with them - so not too hopeful. I'll keep posting.
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