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  1. Ethel street Mum was a fast track, palliative care admission to a nursing home which is being funded by local council for 12 weeks and will then be reassessed. My dad was her carer so she can no longer live in the house on her own
  2. It's a Lifetime Mortgage which they will wait a year for the money, and then will claim the property if it hasn't been repaid in that time
  3. The company is called Hodge Lifetime .But was called Hodge Equity release when they took it out. It also says the loan along with any interest will be payable when you die or go into full time care interest rate is fixed at 6.21%. Not sure if this information is of any use
  4. I don't have to T&Cs and wasn't even aware they had taken this out . The 3 months checks are just a progress check to see how we are getting on with the sale of the house. Solicitor advised to wait as mum was given a few weeks to live that was 8 weeks ago now and is doing ok at the moment. Solicitor did say could apply for Deptoship but could take up to 2 years and is very expensive.
  5. Hi Dad left everything to mum in is will so me and my brother can't sell whilst she is still alive as she doesn't have the capacity to give us permission. My main concern is the Mortgage and the amount of interest it is accumulating ever day.
  6. Hi the Mortgage was in both parents names. I notified them that my dad had passed and mum had gone in to a nursing home for palliative care, so she will not be going back home. I have a year to sell the property with 3 monthly checks on progress
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