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Posts posted by Mango212

  1. Yes their behaviour has been appalling.


    Although I won and was awarded damages (told judgment in hearing still awaiting written judgment) I still want to take this further if possible. I fought them without any legal help but now need technical legal advice on issues raised at the hearing.


    Due to the fact that I may appeal further I am not able to discuss these matters on a public forum. But I will request anyone with a leather peeling issue to argue that it is a manufacturing fault and leather that starts peeling even two years after bought is not fit for purpose.


     The most frustrating thing about DFS is that they hold themselves out as leather experts yet have the audacity to claim that everyday creams etc can cause leather on sofas to peel which even if one accepts as correct (which the judge found unlikely) it actually enforces the argument  that they are not fit for purpose. 


    I am currently trying to get some help with regard to taking this further if there is anyone I can speak to about this it would be greatly appreciated. 



  2. I have no intention of providing them any comfort trust me. As you have helped alot of people in respect to DFS may I assume that some of that is in relation to this 'peeling of leather' issue. If so do you think that they are aware it is a manufacturing fault but 'wing it' so to speak for as long as possible? 

  3. I have got an  independent expert report which clearly states it is a manufacturing fault, which DFS have been made aware of.


    My point is that as a huge retailer of leather sofas with leather peeling  being a common complaint to me it seems evident they are aware it is a manufacturing fault on their side. Yet they play games with customers and worse of all try their level best to get the customer to believe that it is their fault due to oils or creams they are using.


    Even if one is to believe that every day creams etc can cause this damage then in any event the sofas are not fit for purpose.


    Surely they are merely playing a numbers game banking on the fact that most complainants will not follow through with legal action. Yet what about the anguish and distress they cause to customers in the process.


    To me this shows alot of contempt towards consumers and is clearly unethical.

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