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Posts posted by TheManElvis

  1. From what I am reading on the Google Reviews page, even though they quote you a figure to get out of the contract, if you go to another supplier BES will stop the new supplier taking over the meters - how they do it I do not know.

    But that is what I am seeing in reviews/comments...and there is a lot of them!

  2. Sorry, my autism gets the better of me sometimes.


    I shall ask my wife to help me re-write my post.


    yep, it was certainly a mistake to take the cold call and accept with BES, but, I do have a business to run and thought I was saving some time! Big mistake.


    re-written post coming soon.



    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi all


    Have been a customer with BES since September, now thats not a long time ago really so you'd think not a lot could have gone wrong ...right? Wrong! Biggest scam company I have ever seen. If I ran my business they way this one is run, I'd have 0 customers!


    Usual story, broker calls out of the blue (Who works on behalf of BES) when we opened up our offices in September.....Lo and Behold we get signed up with BES!

    Since that day, my life has been nothing but stress!


    Quite happily paid them £132.50 per month, thought that was quite reasonable..

    .. Then the big one lands...£908 because of a meter reading I submitted as an opening read...


    they estimated the bill from that and didn't even bother to get the closing read from the other energy supplier (BG Lite)

    - so they way under estimated the reading to bring mine as excessively high usage and thus landing the big bill

    - this is STILL under dispute I might add. Now I know times are difficult at the moment but this is taking the pee.


    I cancelled my direct debit as you do as I could not afford for £900+ to go out of my account

    I got charged out of contracts tariff for one month and a higher standing charge (non of this reflected in my online portal by the way, as in, there is no bill for this). Not that i can find. So for that month, i am owing £199. 


    To my surprise I get a letter from Opus, or rather my sub tenant does for a charge of £250 for her gas.

    She's with British Gas so this sounds iffy,


    upon inspection and a phone call to Opus (The previous supplier) they tell me they have been running the account and that they have had an account on the meter since we moved in, and BES have been billing me for the wrong meter,

    they are billing me for my tenants meter, which...is disconnected in the building.


    I thought Ill give BES a call and see what they say and they say that I told them in September that my tenants meter was the one that I was using, right fair enough I may have told them that in the midst of confusing times and moving into the building I may have gotten them mixed up. However since then, BES have emailed me asking for photo confirmation of the Meter that 'I' use with a clear serial number. Done, October 21st that was sent.


    they are only now after me calling them putting things in motion to bill the correct meter - so why was this not flagged in October when they emailed for confirmation?  I asked this on the phone with a manager to which they said well its your fault for confirming the wrong meter over the phone in September.... but you've had confirmation via you metering department since then??


    I am not quite sure what they are doing and the £900 odd pound bill is still in 'dispute' - which they say I must pay by the way, numerous calls a day to the point I said I was going to sue for Harassment. 


    I feel a bit 'conned' really, they certainly are not the cheapest in my area which the broker (Who called me out of the blue, and works on behalf of BES) purported. 


    With the amount in dispute, and the £199 I owe them for when I cancelled my direct debit, plus this months bill at £508 - I am on the brink of not being able to pay my rent on my building.


    Did I mention they banged me into a 36 month contract and there is a £3,500 fee to exit that contract?

    Oh yeah I owe Opus £250 as well due to me thinking, stupidly that BES where billing me for that meter. Which I only found out about on Friday and we have threatening letters today of disconnection,


    I have spoken to them and they have put the account on hold until they hear from BES......which I doubt they will.

    BES still have not spoken to previous electric company regarding a closing reading, still estimated which means I still owe £824 pound of that 'estimated opening bill'. I paid £100 pound of that bill as a gesture of good will on my part to reassure BES that once they had sorted the issues I would paid what I owe if I owed it, and to stop the 7 calls a day harassment calls. 



    I'd so dearly love to take legal action. 

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