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  1. No I haven't heard from them. They sent me a letter in August saying saying I owed money for last year so I paid that. Just waiting for this year
  2. My claim hasn't been finalised as I only ended it in June. So it will be finalised this tax year.
  3. No. I ended my single claim in June but had to complete renewal for last year. I think I have to complete the closed claim in April 2021.
  4. I tried to do it in the chat on Sunday but she told me I had to do it on manage my tax credits which I did. I thought it would have automatically ended it. I spoke with someone online and they have told me it takes 5 days to update. I'm just worried cause they are making a payment to me on Monday that I know I'm not entitled to.
  5. Hi, I got a text message from tax credits saying they received my renewal and I could check my progress online. Its still showing as a single claim with payments pending. I checked the relationship status and that still says single too. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone before and should I contact them again? I had a message when I updated the status saying my claim would close but doesn't look like it. TIA
  6. Hi, thanks for your reply. I will do this, although I really just want to be rid of the whole thing. It so stressful and i always work myself up into a panic when I have to contact them. Thanks again
  7. Hi, thanks for your reply. Everyone so far has been really kind and help put my mind at rest. I'm just a constant worrier and overthinker. I'll just wait to see if they need information or what the overpayment will be. I have the money in my account to pay it so would be keen to pay it back as quickly as possible. I had a look and can see that we wouldn't be entilted to anything as both working and earning a decent wage. Thanks
  8. So I've just went on and reported the change. I feel so much better that I have done it but absolutely terrified if the want information for previous years as I've said above he didn't live here but helped with bills as maintenance.
  9. I'm going to inform them tomorrow that he has moved in. Your right I have been reading other websites and it has frightened the life out of me. I know that I will have had a overpayment but as I've said since being in lockdown I've not had as much expenses and therefore have most of the money in my bank account to pay whatever the overpayment maybe. Thanks so much for being so kind and helpful. I really appreciate it
  10. Thank you for replying so quickly. It certainly has been great seeing him with the children and being like a family. He hasn't lived here through lockdown but been here everyday and moved in last week. Only time will tell if it works out but here's hoping. I've got myself in such a panic over it cause I don't want them to think he has been here all this time. I was originally just going to ask to withdraw my claim for this year as I have and will be working from home for the foreseeable future and no longer require childcare and dont have all the other expenses of going out to work. Plus the saving I've made by being able to budget better since lockdown and because of this I'm in a much better financial position but I think that if I do this and he then registers himself here it will look suspicious. We won't be entitled to anything as we both work and he has a decent wage as do I. I also don't want to claim anything i want to be financially self sufficient. Thanks again
  11. Hi, I'm new here and hoping I can get a bit of help. I'm currently claim single CTC and WTC. I have 2 children. I haven't been with their dad for many years and he has not lived with me. However since lockdown he has been a massive help with the children been here everyday helping with homeschooling and just generally being a dad. We have grown really close again and decided that we would give it another go. I understand that I need to cancel my single parent claim and will do this asap. I'm just wondering what happens when you close your claim? Also as it's my children's dad will tax credits look at my previous years claims? The reason I ask is that although he hasn't lived here and has his bank accounts, cc, work and other stuff registered elsewhere he has always paid my gas, tv licence both in his name (as my credit at the time wasn't good enough to get the gas in my name) and electricity is in mine. He paid these as maintenance for the children and didn't actually give me any money. He picks them up from after schools and looks after them until I finish work. I am worried that when I close my single claim that they will think that he has always been here and make me back the years I have received and also prosecute me if they think he has been here the whole time. Which he hasn't. I'm sooo worried about this having panic/anxiety attacks and not sleeping. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA
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