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  1. I am the second driver but the private company do not know this I did not admit to who the driver was they have took reasonable assumption to make the keeper the driver but this was not the case. I have sent off 9 NTK objection letters to the company informing them they have sent me letters outside of the 14 day period however they sent the rejection (the second image in my last email) it seems as if they do not want to abide by the law. The NTK's state the contravention dates below, and they are all out of the 14 day period. the company should have cancelled these but they have not (they were delivered on the 17/02/2020 also they left no parking sticker on my car so I had no indication/warning I was in the wrong. CONTRAVENTION DATES: 1) 16/01/2020 2) 20/01/2020 3) 22/01/2020 4) 23/01/2020 5) 27/01/2020 6) 28/01/2020 7) 29/01/2020 30/01/2020 at 11: 36 (two £100 charges on the same day, different times) 9) 30/01/2020 at 14: 40 These above dates are all out of the 14 day period as they were delivered on the 17/02/2020. From the 17/02/2020 I stopped parking there as I had realised my permit was not valid here. I started parking in the correct staff car park hoping that would be the last of charges and hassle. However one week later I had more incoming charges on the following dates: CONTRAVENTION DATES: 10) 03/02/2020 12: 39 (two £100 charges on the same day, different times) delivered on 18/02/2020 11) 03/02/2020 16: 30 12) 11/02/2020 13) 12/02/2020 14) 13/02/2020 15) 17/02/2020 (these were plus 8 and 9) were all delivered within the 14 day period). I am extremely anxious about the this whole situation as a student with no job/ steady income I am struggling to understand how I can pay up to £1500 to a private car park company. I have been paying £6 a month to Wythenshawe hospital car park office and I have proof of this. It is clear I have been misdirected and lied to about where I can park and a communication error has happened clearly. It simply does not make sense for me to park at Floats Road Car Park when the staff car park is closer to the hospital and more convenient but the office lady clearly provided me false information as to where my permit is valid. The office sent a rude email back to me not acknowledging the mistake the staff member has made so it is incredibly infuriating as I had no wrong intentions to misuse the car park. The strange thing is I have been parking at Floats Road Car Park since i started placement on the November 22nd 2019 yet I have no charges from this date. It seems as if the private car park only started registering cars from the 16/01/2020. If I had received any indication from the company on the 16/01/2020, such as a parking charge yellow sticker on my windscreen I would have known never to park there again, however they have fundamentally bombarded me with many charges all at once and this is very unfair.
  2. Hi there sorry for the late reply I appreciate all your guys help. It is Floats Road Car Park just next to Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester. The company that sent me the NTK’s is called ‘Vehicle Control Services Limited’ I believe and they have rejected all of my 9 NTK objections. They should have cancelled these as they were all given out 14 days after contravention date. I have 15 NTKs in total and it looks like I will be charged £1500 at the moment. please let me know how you can help in this terrible situation
  3. Thank you I will post all the details today Sorry for coming off as aggressive in any way that is not my intention I just don’t deal with this stress very well. is there an easier way to upload photos on here for you all to access?
  4. charge of £1600! The driver is a student and on placement at a hospital...in November driver started, went to parking office, girl told driver pay £6PCM for a permit, driver has paid since November. asked where they use this permit, she answered... around the back at floats road ever since the driver has been parking there and had no indication they were in the wrong. Three days ago driver got 16 letters all with £100 fines each totally £1600 of fines! driver realised the car park woman they spoke to meant the NHS back car park at the end of floats road rather than the actual Floats road car park driver went into the nhs office to speak to them about it, the woman found it rather comical, the driver is really stressed about this because they are a student and literally have little to no income as they go to placement everyday as part of their degree and is struggling with this large fee of £1600. The driver in no way had any intention to break the law and did not know they were in the wrong. It is a huge shock to the driver and if the drive knew their permit was not valid for this particular site they would have not parked there but no warning or indication was left. The driver has sent a letter back using a template issued by a Facebook admin in a car park forum but the company sent a letter back saying they are unable to accept the appeal on the grounds of large lettering and they still assume the driver is the keeper. Please help.
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