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Everything posted by lynnuk

  1. i've had a look an sorry if i seem thick but i don't quite know what i'm looking for is there some kind of letter i can write asking then to take it of my credit report seen as they have no signed agreement . Thanks
  2. lynnuk

    capital one

    Hi i sent my sSAR of on the 22nd July and recieved a letter from crap 1 on the 28th July saying the have recieved it and as sooon as they have the statements they will send them to me it is now the 10th August and i haven't heard anything and they still haven't cashed the £10 cheque. How long do i leave it b4 i can do something an what do i do nx. Any help would be much appreciated. Also i got another letter form NCO this morning asking me to phone them to discuss the account and organise a mutually acceptable resolution of it.
  3. Hi sorry not been on 4 a while been away. Recieved a letter from simply be saying. We regret that we are unable to provide a copy of the executed agreement and will therefore be taking no furhter action on the above account. We must stress however, that although this debt is of £178.59 may not be legally enforceable, it is still adebt. A defaault entry will therefore be registered on your credit file and will remain for a period of 6 years, Can they do this, alot of the outstanding debt is due to charges (although i don't know exactly how much is charges for late payments). Is there anyway i can get this removed.
  4. lynnuk

    capital one

    well cap 1 still haven't put the £10 cheque in how long do they take thought they would have put it in their bank straight away
  5. lynnuk

    capital one

    Recieved a letter from capital one on the 28th july sayin that they had recieved my letter and as soon as they had the statements they would send them to me. It's now the 2nd August and the £10 cheque i sent with the letter has still not gone out of my bank account does it usualy take this long for them to take the money off you.
  6. lynnuk

    capital one

    Posted a sar letter on the 22nd July same day as i posted NCO a letter telling them not to call at my house and that the account was in dispute. I recieved a letter from NCO this morning this is the letter. Dated 25 jul 2006 seventy two hour notice You have been legally notified of this debt and you have chosen to ignore your liability to our client. The following alternatives are now available to you: 1) send £425.18 immediatelty 2) contact Ms ***** on **** *** **** to discuss this matter. Failure to comply with either of these options can result in court action being instigated against you without further communication to yourself. Can they do anything even though i have asked Capital One to take it back and how long do i have to wait for a reply to my SAR the haven't took the £10 out of my bank yet for the charge of it. I would be grateful of any help. Thanks
  7. lynnuk

    capital one

    Also just printed my sar out an gettin it in the post today with the £10 cheque will be on this forum alot because i willneed help. Thanks for all the help so far.
  8. lynnuk

    capital one

    recieved a card through the post this morning from nco sayin that someone was goin to call at my house on tuesday so just wrote them a letter telling them not to bother coming and not to contact me again unless it is writeen communication and that the account is in dispute so i have asked capital one to take the account back. Wait an see what the reply is will keep you posted.
  9. Thanks for the advice i will be writing them a letter tonite as they should have a signed copy an if they don't they can't do anything about it.... I just recieved a letter from simply be as i had to accounts with them one in my husbands name which has been passed on to robson way and one in my name which is still with simply be this is what it says: We are familiar with the regulations of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and take our responsiblity to comply seriously. We cannot provide a copy of the executed agreement, therfore, whilst the default continues, we will not pursue the debt any futher. We will howvevr meet our obligation in ensuring that a true picture of your account activity is recorded on your credit file. Please confirm that you will not be making any further payments to the account and that you are aware of the detrimental implications of your decision, as stated in our previous letter. On receipt of your final letter of confirmation we will ensure that no further action is taken in regards to the above account. Can they put this on my credit file if they haven't got a signed agreement thanks
  10. I have just recieved a letter back from robinson way who are dealing with my simply be account it says: In response to your recent correspondence please be advised that as the account is a mail order account there are no copy agreements as you have not signed one on opening of the account. In the mail order catalogue it is stated in the terms and conditions that by placing your first order you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. If you are disputing the account please provide proof to support your claim. this letter is dated 17/07/06 Can anyone give me advice on what to do next thanks
  11. lynnuk

    capital one

    One good thing i got my new bank card this morning so wasn't to long with out it and they certainly won't be getting my card details
  12. lynnuk

    capital one

    cheers hagenuk just gonna do a copy of the SAR an get it posted to get the ball rolling i've found a few copies of statements but not enough. Thanks for your advice
  13. lynnuk

    capital one

    Thanks grahambl can't get into my online account though don't know why i'll just post them a letter anyway
  14. lynnuk

    capital one

    After being on the phone to capital one for 6 mins listening to the music an not talking to anyone i decided to put the phone down. Would it be ok if i sent them a letter about the charges and the amount owed being in dispute...or even an email...thanks
  15. lynnuk

    capital one

    thanks for the advice guys i will be on the phone 2moro will let u know what happens
  16. lynnuk

    capital one

    Thanks does that mean they will be phonein me all the time ggrr i hate it when people do that. I know one thing i'm not givin them my card details again when i get a new one.
  17. lynnuk

    capital one

    well i cancelled my card said i'd lost it and guess who rang this mornin because they didn't get paid yesterday. I wasn't in so i haven't spoke to them yet but they have left a message for me to phone them back. What do i say to them when they phone back the company is N C O europe has anyone heard of them.Thanks
  18. lynnuk

    capital one

    Thanks for that i cancelled my card last nite told the bank i had lost it so i suppose i'll be hearing from them soon when they can't get a payment out of my bank.
  19. lynnuk

    capital one

    in reply to hagen uk i just gave them my card details over the phone so they could take the payment straight away i haven't done a direct debit or standing order they just use my card details whenever they take the money out
  20. lynnuk

    capital one

    thanks for the advice if i cancel my card today would they still be able to take the money out on the 9th which cause it's a weekend that means it will go out on monday.
  21. lynnuk

    capital one

    been to bank this mornin to cancel it but because it's not a direct debit or standing order i can't stop it i have to phone debitas and get them to stop takin it out my bank....which i think they will just take it anyway will i ever be able to stop it it's due to go out on monday:evil:
  22. lynnuk

    capital one

    Thanks what is the SAR letter an does it cost anything
  23. lynnuk

    capital one

    I hope someone can help. I had a capital one card with a limit of £200 and i had a late payment which now with the charges added they say i owe £490.18. They have passed this onto Debitas which after readin this site i now know is part of capital one. When they rang they said i had to pay £30 for 3 months which i can't really afford but have managed 2 months so far they took my card details an just take it straight from my bank using my debit card. Do i have to pay these charges and can i stop them taking it straight of my debit card. Wish i had found this site earlier
  24. this is part of the letter i sent. I require you to supply the following documentation. in association with my account - ********* 1. You must supply me with a true copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.77 (1) for fixed sum credit) - your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account. I enclose a £1 postal order in payment of the statutory fee. 2. A signed true copy of the deed of assignment of the above referenced agreement that you allege exists. 3. You are notified that you are obliged to supply these documents, whether you are the original creditor or not under S189 of the CCA 1974. Non-compliance with my request is a criminal offence under the above Act and will result in a report being submitted to the relevant statutory authorities.rt of the letter i sent one of them has gone to a debt collection agency but the other is still with the catalogue it doesn't say it's been sold just to contact them about it
  25. this is paI require you to supply the following documentation. in association with my account - ********* 1. You must supply me with a true copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.77 (1) for fixed sum credit) - your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account. I enclose a £1 postal order in payment of the statutory fee. 2. A signed true copy of the deed of assignment of the above referenced agreement that you allege exists. 3. You are notified that you are obliged to supply these documents, whether you are the original creditor or not under S189 of the CCA 1974. Non-compliance with my request is a criminal offence under the above Act and will result in a report being submitted to the relevant statutory authorities.rt of the letter i sent one of them has gone to a debt collection agency but the other is still with the catalogue
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