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Posts posted by WA1306

  1. Hi @Ell-enn

    My apologies for the delayed update. I have lots of issues going on. 

    I really appreciate your help,

    I have managed to come to payment agreement with mortgage lender's solicitor. They asked me to offer additional payment towards the arrears out of the surplus amount. I offered 150, they refused.

    I insisted them to tell me what is accepted but was told they can't tell me. I then offered 250. They refused that also.  I was very annoyed because this was pressurising me to offer what could be difficult. They told me to seek legal advice if I can't afford.

    Then I offered 300. This was accepted. 

    I was told that they are sending this to paralegal team.

    I have been told there will be no further legal action as long as I stick with the agreed payment plan.

    My focus is to be back to work somehow. 

    I really appreciate your help I'm this matter. 

  2. I think 6 years left on the mortgage

    My intention is to repay the arrears as soon as I am back to work, hopefully be able to repay arrears in next 12 months. Last year I paid 11,000 in around 7 months period. There is track record of that. I fell into arrears again this time due of being unemployed for 8 months. 

    As only 6 years left 9n mortgage,  I an trying my best to move mortgage somewhere else after 12 months of arrears free.

  3. Hi @Ell-enn

    I wanted to check with you before I email the income and expenditure form back, I have surplus income of around 500. I am planning to offer 100 towards the arrears. That will leave with 400 surplus amount. 

    Do you think 400 surplus will be fine in case if there are any items they suggest I haven't included or should be spending more? I believe I have covered everything. 


    Please suggest. Many thanks 

  4. Hi @Ell-enn,

    Thank you for taking time to help me. 

    I have made the payment for 8,000 to the lender's account. 

    Attaching here the income and expenditure form that lender's solicitor sent me. 

    When I called the solicitor yesterday, I agreed that I will call back on Thursday to go through the completed income and expenditure and discuss the payment arrangement. 

    Before I send any letter in writing to the lender, do you suggest I should go ahead with the call tomorrow as agreed and then send the letter afterwards to make sure all is agreed in writing?

    Thank you so much for helping me out. 


    • Like 1
  5. Hi @Ell-enn

    I truly appreciate your support. 

    In a state of panic, I reached out to the lender's solicitor this evening, offering a payment of 8,000 and explaining my request for assistance with mortgage interest payments backdated from mid-July or August. I also discussed the need to send the required paperwork to the lender to complete their part of the form.

    The main purpose of my call was to ensure that they would consider the proposed payment arrangement. The idea is to contribute the 8,000 toward the arrears, which would decrease further with the backdated payment. Going forward, I intend to maintain the contractual payments along with an additional amount to reduce the arrears. My primary concern was to avoid a situation where I'd be financially strained, paying them 8,000 and still facing eviction.

    I was informed that I needed to make the 8,000 payment before any arrangement could be considered. Furthermore, I was required to complete the income and expenditure form they had sent. I was instructed to make the payment tonight, wait 24 hours for it to clear into the lender's account, and then call back on Thursday.

    I had no alternative but to agree to these terms, but my fear is that if they don't accept the payment arrangement, I could find myself homeless and 8,000 short of the required funds.

    Regarding applying for jobs, I have been actively applying for jobs on LinkedIn. I can print out list of applied jobs. The judge in repossession hearing also questioned why I didn't submit any evidence that I am applying for jobs. Hopefully once I am back in work, I should be able to pay off the remaining arrears much sooner. I can also provide proof of income for 3 years prior to being out of work to show my earning potential. 

    Do you suggest that I should go ahead with the payment to bring the arrears down and call their solicitor back on Thursday?

    Once again,  all your help is much appreciated. 

  6. @Ell-enn Hi Ell-enn, 

    Just received the court order confirming repossession granted to the lender or or before the 1st November. The order also says that if we don't vacant the property by this date, the lender can ask the court to send the high court bailiffs without hearing. 

    Can you please help with how to proceed? I am planning to call the lender's solicitor to offer payment of £8000 as well as informing them that government has sent me the support for mortgage interest forms, which I have signed and now need to send to lender to sign. They will make backdated payment since mid July. This will help to reduce arrears as well as payments will cover future mortgage payments. 


    I am now in real panic and can't think to be homeless with 5 children age 2 to 11. Can you please assist in this matter ? Many thanks. 





  7. @Ell-enn Hi Ell-enn, I have been focusing on finding the job but still no luck despite several years of experience in my field. I am still hopeful that I will manage to secure role soon.

    When repossession was granted,  I didn't take any proof with me to show:


    1) I am applying for jobs

    2) neither submitted proof that children are involved

    3) no proof was submitted that I will get support from government under the support for mortgage interest scheme. 

    I have been told by department if works and pensions that I am eligible for support for mortgage interest under this scheme and payment will be backdated from mid August. 

    Also, Judge wanted to use her discretion to adjourned the hearing on the basis that children are involved but the lender's solicitor objected. 

    Under Section 6A of the Housing Act 1988, as amended by the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017, the court must consider the impact of an eviction on any dependent children living in the property. This means that the court should take the best interests of the children into account and consider whether it is reasonable to delay or suspend the repossession order to provide alternative accommodation for the family.

    While it's not an automatic adjournment, the presence of children can influence the court's decision, and they may consider postponing the repossession or exploring alternative solutions to protect the welfare of the children.

    Apart from above 2 grounds,  if I manage to pay half of the arrears, do you think I can stop the repossession?

    I will really appreciate your help as I am very distressed and not able to focus on finding job due to constant stress. Please help. 

  8. Hi Ell-enn, many thanks for contacting back. I am genuinely sorry for not being able to take your advice earlier and put myself into this situation. 

    I didn't ask for time to sell the property as I am trying to keep this. I have contacted the department for work and pensions this morning to ask help with support for mortgage interest. 

    If they start paying the interest,  my current mortgage is interest only. Any chance I can still apply to set aside the order based on new payment proposal?

    Many thanks for helping me out. 

  9. Many thanks for including @Ell-enn into this again.

    I wish I had taken advice. I am so much stressed out these days being unemployed but I understand burying head won't solve my problems. I need to stop this repossession somehow to keep roof above my family's head.

    I also understand that may be it's too late in the process but @Ell-enn or other experienced members, is there a way out from this? 

  10. Hi,

    Unfortunately, I am back again. Just to recap, I had around £12000 arrears between September last year until February this year when had the court hearing. I managed to reduce the arrears to around £2000 before the hearing in February this year. Based on this lender didn't attend the court and judge adjourned the hearing in their absence with order that lender can recommence the legal proceedings again within 12 months if needed. 

    Unfortunately, following month in March, I lost my job. Still unemployed and couldn't make any mortgage payment since March.

    All this time , mortgage interest rate rises many times and my monthly contractual payment increased from around £1400 to now at £2800. Now my arrears stand at £20000 in 5 months missed payments. 

    Birmingham Midshires took me to the court, and I had hearing today. Lender's solicitor asked for outright repossession.  Judge asked me if I have to say anything.  I started saying that solicitor is wrong in saying that I made lump sum payment last time to reduce the arrears. I overpaid every month from my salary. Also, that I live in the property with wife and children age between 2 and 11. As soon as I said this, judge stopped me and said she is using her discretion to adjourn the hearing due to children living at the property. 

    Lender's solicitor was very uneasy and convinced the judge not to use the discretion as mortgage is based on affordability and not on whether children live at property or not.


    Judge agreed and decided not to use the discretion. I requested judge to grant the suspended repossession order not outright repossession. 

    To this the lender's solicitor asked the judge for outright as I am currently out of work and don't have solid payment plan with evidence. 

    I mentioned that I have been working as software engineer for 23 years. This is the worst time in my field of work that I couldn't find any work since March. I have never been unemployed more than couple of weeks before and hopefully should be able to find work again. If 28 days repossession order is granted,  o won't be able to focus on finding job.

    In the end, judge ordered not the 28 days but 56 days repossession order. 

    I don't know where I stand now I can't afford to lose home with children. My work situation is I am still not employed but this can change any time and my circumstances can improve. Summer was quite time for jobs but it will pick up after summer holidays. 

    I am on Universal Credit since April and should have been helped by local authority to pay interest up to £200000 on interest only under Support towards Mortgage Interest scheme by government. . Mortgage is currently £360000. I am going to ask department of work and pensions why they haven't done anything although I told them about mortgage issue. 

    Can you please help with can I request court to set aside this order so that I can focus on job search and interviews rather worrying about finding place after eviction?

    I want court to consider the circumstances like high cost of living,  unemployment rate at highest level, and interest rate increased during all the time I couldn't make mortgage payments. 

    Can I ask local authority to pay interest on mortgage backdated since I joined the Universal Credit?

    Please help.

    Forgot to mention, I was unfortunate that legal advisor at court was not available today. If legal advisor was available, may be he could convince the judge to use discretion and adjourn the hearing as judge initially chose to but got convinced by other party not to use.


    Birmingham midshires is under bank of Scotland and Halifax is part of bank of Scotland.  Court letter says claimant is Halifax


    Last year I received letter from Birmingham Midshires saying they incorrectly calculated interest rate I'm previous year and around £9000 is due for refund but it will be paid in my mortgage account to reduce loan amount not arrears. 


    Can I use this point to present my case that if not had incorrectly calculated,  I wouldn't be in arrears now as I was paying more than what I should have been. 


    Also refund should have cleared the arrears? Hence request court to order lender to lower the interest rate so after regular payments I can move mortgage

  12. I have been sent court summons for repossession hearing.

    My mortgage is with Birmingham Midshires, residential mortgage.


    on 28th  October 2022, arrears were around £12k but since I have paid some and arrears now are £7500. I will be making another payment of £3000 on Friday this week and then will request lender to capitalise remaining £4500 to remaining mortgage balance. 


    My question is,

    if they don't accept my proposal which is most likely they won't,  what are chances of me successfully defending repossession?


    What if I somehow pay all arrears couple of days before repossession hearing?

    Will I still need to attend court hearing if all arrears paid?


    Also, I am on interest only mortgage with monthly payment of £2100 per month on around £360,000 loan. As you can see from monthly interest only payment,  the interest rate is too high.


    I took out this mortgage in 2009. Birmingham Midshires now don't offer any residential mortgage so can't offer me another product on low interest rate. 


    I can't get mortgage from any other lenders due to passed missed payments and arrears. 


    Can I ask court during repossession hearing to order lender to lower the interest rate so I don't miss any future payments and be able to move my mortgage to another lender after few months?


    Hope someone can help me with what and how should I prepare for the court hearing to stop the repossession or even suspended repossession order.


    Many thanks. 


  13. Hi Guys  just to let you know I spoke with Birmingham Midshire to request capitalization of arrears and they have agreed.


    Also, couple of days after court hearing to defend eviction,  I received letter from Birmingham Midshire that they have cancelled the eviction. 


    Where do I stand now in current uncertain financial circumstances affecting everyone, 8f I miss mortgage payment due to loss of job?

  14. I had hearing for eviction defence this more at 10am. I was in the court 9.30.


    Had consultation with on duty adviser. He asked me questions on my occupation, income, dependents, level and reason for arrears as well as how many years left on mortgage. He was like why you stopped paying judge will question and all that. Then applying the law he calculated £85 per month towards the arrears based on term left on mortgage.  I already offered £200 on top of CML.


    He asked me to wait outside while he discussed my proposal with claimant. And came back saying claimant has accepted my offer and will not oppose in court room.


    Was called in the room bu judge. Legal duty adviser told Judge that claimant has accepted the offer but judge still asked balance on the mortgage, and remaining years so that offer satisfies the way case.


    In the end eviction has been suspended bases on I pay CML plus £200 every month towards arrears. 


    I believe I will receive paperwork regarding this later in the post?


    Thank you Ell-enn and dx100uk for all your help and letters etc. Really appreciated. 


    Just another question,  I will try not to break the terms set in the order but in case if I do, will this mean lender can evict me by bailiffs without permission from court or any warning?


    the banks must show forbearance toward you 



    time to investigate reclaiming all the unlawful fees too?





  15. I couldn't call them until this afternoon after 2and missed call from them.


    It was usual nonsense,  all th hey wanted to know was that eviction date is on 26th at 10AM. Whether there are any changes in my circumstances. 


    I mentioned t hgg at I am defending in the court and that o was waiting to hear back from the letter I sent. They said they stil want full arrears to be paid. 


    I asked can I have arrears statement before the hearing? I thought to take it with me to the court to show the judge. They said this would take 7 to 10 working days so not before hearing. 

  16. Thanks to both of you. After experiencing their behaviour so far I don't think their call was regarding court action.  They must be calling to say they have acted reasonably and I need to pay full arrears. 


    I understand dx100uk is suggesting not to call and I also don't want to take the stress of dealing with them but I will call them tomorrow morning so they can't say in the court they contacted but I didn't respond. 

  17. Thank you Ell-enn. 


    They are using suspended repossession order that was granted 10 years ago since then mortgage arrears were zero until recently. 


    They asked for permission to execute that order in January last year.

    Did nothing about that unil 11 months later while the permission was about to expire. 


    It makes sense if I had missed any m and mortgage payment during this time or not paid anything to reduce arrears. 


    They want to keep that repossession order sword hanging on me forever. 


    I am trying to pay arrears as soon as I can

    if I stay in the house and get remortgage somewhere e not se in a year or 2 years after being arrears free.


    They were most difficult lender and very unprofessional.

    They always made mistakes when I complained,  it was upheld and asked me to take 200 or 100 compensation but never improved their service. 


    Main reason for me being in arrears is because the way they handled my account.

    I always ended up on phone calls with them for hours at a time and being winded up by them.


    Just missed phone call from Birmingham midshire, left voice message that I need to call them back.


    This must be in response to the letter I sent them this week. 


    I know I have been told not to call but what should I do in this case. 


    Don't really want another long session on the phone while the hearing date is confirmed but if I don't call back they will say in court that they contacted but I didn't respond. 

  18. Just an update,  I came to the court at booked appointment. Court office checked the paperwork and asked £50 fee to be paid.  I paid the fee. Was told to wait outside while papers being processed for the hearing date. 


    Just received update from the office that my application is to be reviewed by judge who will make decision on hearing.


    I didn't know that the judge will review the case before hearing while I am waiting for the date.


    Worried what if he decides my case is weaker and no need for hearing?


    Is this normal procedure for the hearing date?

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