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Posts posted by jamie0035

  1. Hi All,


    I have recently (in the last two days) been subject to a second hearing for possession of my home by Swift Advances. We've had two hearings.


    First hearing the CC judge ordered that we investigate the excessive interest on our account and get clear explanation from Swift as to why they have charged an account management fee every month since the year 2007 to date--totalling £5267.00.


    We investigated to the best of our affordability to no avail.

    However, Swift advances made a statement over the phone to me (i quote) "We at Swift will never charge you a fee as long as you make a payment on the account" this obviously is not the case.


    The judge at this first hearing was utterly confused how a £31000 loan can now be worth £52000 even after paying monthly for the best part of the last 10 years.


    She challenged Swift's Solicitor asking him how they can justify a loan that can never be paid back within the remaining terms...he had no comment.

    Hence her adjourning the case for 30 days to allow us to investigate.


    Second hearing the judge still not satisfied with our investigation into the charges and the lack of knowledge of the charges from Swifts solicitor...has DENIED their possession order against us.

    Stating it was unfair on their part. :-D


    We have now contacted the FOS with the case and are seeking further legal advice to hopefully get all the charges rescinded.


    You never know they may even force the close of the loan due to swift advances treating us unfairly in accordance with COBS.


    Watch this space!!!!!!!!!

  2. It would be interesting if every complainant against Swift (myself included) undergoing a suspended possession order in court with them,


    and have just been given a statement of charges) printed hard copies (redacted of course) and then presented the entire case file to the government to investigate.


    Surely they would have to step in if hundreds of boxes of documents turned up on parliaments doorstep!


    Out of interest has anybody been told by Swift that they will not charge them if you keep payments on the account despite having arrears.


    I can't wait to tell the judge that Swift just made that statement to me over the phone


    . Even though I have had ever increasing charges since taking out the loan in 2007.


    I would gladly be that conduit to the government to take them down..........

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