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Posts posted by Rv1977

  1. I've had my Final settlement letter from DRP... £136 to avoid court action. They are recommending their client take court action. And it's their clients final offer to settle the matter berfore considering court action.


    I like the threat that a Court Judgment against me could seriously affect my future creditworthiness and employability! Nice touch

  2. I told them what had happened,

    how the wind must have blown he ticked down onto my gearstick as we were getting the baby out of her seat..


    as it was just a paper ticket with no adhesive backing to make sure it stayed put.


    I had a ticket, still have it in fact.


    I'm annoyed at myself for not actually having a copy of what I actually sent,


    as it was one of those online forms I don't have it in my email sent items!!

  3. I guess the research will have to continue just in case the decide to take me to court


    Lesson learnt that's for sure!


    Thank you for your recent correspondence in relation to the above Parking Charge.


    We have investigated your appeal based on the information you have submitted and confirm that this parking charge was correctly issued because there are sufficient signs at St Stephens Place Leisure Park advising drivers that a valid pay and display ticket must be clearly displayed.


    UK Parking Control Ltd does not issue or collect “Penalty Charges”, “fines” or “Excess Charges”.


    Such things are only relevant to the on-street or civil enforcement area and enforced by police/traffic wardens or council civil enforcement officers under the Traffic Management Act 2004 or the Road Traffic Acts.

    This legislation is not applicable to private land.


    We can confirm, however, that UKPC has the authority to issue and enforce Parking Charge Notices, for breach of contract in accordance with the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.


    Our appeals process is now concluded,

    you may now pick one of the following options:


    1) Pay the parking charge detailed above at the reduced rate of £60 to UK Parking Control Ltd. PLEASE REFER OVERLEAF FOR PAYMENT OPTIONS AND ADDRESS DETAILS.


    2) Make an appeal to the independent adjudicator POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals) using the verification code provided above.


    Please note that if you wish to appeal to POPLA,

    you will lose the right to pay the discounted rate of £60 ,

    and should POPLA reject your appeal you will be required to pay the full amount of £ 100 .


    If you opt to pay the parking charge you will be unable to appeal with POPLA.


    Appeals to POPLA must be made within twenty-eight days from the date of this letter.


    To appeal with POPLA


    Here is a copy of their supposed email.


    Although in the response from BPA it looks more like an actual letter to be posted.


    It adds links for POPLA for an appeal, but as I've only just got the rejection letter the code is out of date and obviously the 28 days to appeal with them has expired!


    Convenient got UKPC!

  4. Thanks for all your help,


    Today I received a response from BPA,


    And hThank you for your patience whilst this matter was investigated.


    I have received a response from UKPC who advise that they received your appeal on 27/07/2017 and subsequently rejected this on 31/08/2017.

    UKPC advise that they responded to your appeal via e-mail

    – please find the attached copy of the outcome sent to you.


    I note that you advise that you did not receive the appeal rejection outcome,

    however, it is not possible for us to ascertain whether e-mail or mail has or has not been sent or received by either party

    and as such, the BPA will not become involved in a dispute on this point.


    I hope that the above information is of assistance to you.


    As I have not identified a breach of our Code,

    I will not be investigating this matter further at this time and this case is now closed.


    Kind regards,

  5. For a windscreen ticket (Notice To Driver) please answer the following questions....


    1 The date of infringement? 27/07/17

    2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] Y


    if you have then please post up whatever you sent and how you sent it and the date you sent it, suitably redacted.

    I stupidly didn't take a screen shot, and as it was an online form I don't have it as a sent email. But it was the as I wrote it in the original thread. It was sent the day of the penalty.


    has there been a response? Only the automated response that it had be received.


    Appeal Confirmation - Ref :1....


    [email protected]

    Thu 27/07/2017 12:38

    Thank you for your email.

    UKPC confirm receipt of your on-line appeals form


    Your charge will be placed on hold whilst under appeal and we will aim to respond to you by formal letter/e-mail to the address supplied within 35 days, should you not receive a response within this time, please contact our information line on 0333 220 1070.


    Please do not respond directly to this email as it is automatically generated and you will not receive a reply.


    If you have already been issued with a final letter in response to a previous appeal and you are not providing any further evidence to substantiate your case, then please do not expect a response from us.


    Assuring you of our best intentions at all times


    If you haven't appealed yet - ,.........


    have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days]

    what date is on it

    Did the NTK provide photographic evidence?


    3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?]


    4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK,

    did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process?

    [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances]


    5 Who is the parking company? UKPC


    6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park?


    St Stephens Place Leisure, Trowbridge, BA14 8Ah

    ......................... ....


    I will get over to get some pictures of the signage asap.

    Thanks for your replies

  6. Good morning people, I was hoping you could help me in regards to a parking charge I received back on the 27th of July.


    The car park I used is free for the first 3 hours, but you have to get a ticket.

    I had done this, went to have some lunch


    on return to the car had a parking notice on the windscreen from UKPC.

    I found this very odd as I'd got a ticket as soon as we had arrived.


    Once in the car I noticed that the ticket had fallen next to the gear stick.

    It must have been blown by the wind when we were getting my daughter out of the car

    (this took a little longer than normal as she was Having a meltdown)

    the ticket was just a paper one, no adhesive.


    I immediately sent my appeal explaining the above, (I now know I shouldn't have done this) I received an automated response that i very quickly scanned and the only part I took in was how they'd respond within 35 days.

    With that I put it to the back of my mind.


    On Saturday the 14th of October I received a letter from a debt recovery agency telling me I owe them £160!

    I do find this totally unfair considering my appeal was obviously ignored.

    I still have the original display ticket that had blown out of my windscreen.

    And the original parking charge ticket.


    I emailed BPO with all the information and have received a response today saying ,


    Thank you for your e-mail.


    I can confirm UK Parking Control Ltd are members of the BPA and an Operator under the Approved Operator Scheme.


    Please be advised that unfortunately if UKPC can provide copies of the rejection letter they sent we cannot advise there to be a breach of the Code of Practice.

    Are you able to provide copies of all correspondence you have sent and received from the Operator?

    Please also detail any dates of calls made to the Operator so we can contact them with a timeline if necessary.


    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Kind regards,

    Gemma Dorans

    AOS Investigations Team


    Any help from you guys would be gratefully received.


    Many thanks

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